You’re not sorry enough.

I didn’t lower into the sewer yet.

Instead, I gazed into the sewer hole.

Guards and dominas crowded the sewers tonight. I had no idea how I would feed and take care of them all. That was usually a job for Victoria.

Wake up, my Queen. I need you. I’m surrounded by strangers, unsure of what do next, and scared to death I’ll lose you.

Camille stirred in my arms as if she heard my thoughts. And then suddenly, heat spread over her skin.

Her hair brightened and gleamed orange and red as if it were on fire.


I touched the warm strands. Her brown skin darkened to almost a black complexion. White circular shapes bled through her flesh and shimmered under the moons’ light.

“Camille?” I whispered.

Her eyes opened. “Blood. . .I need blood.”

Earlier she’d been unable to say a few words. Now she talked with clarity.

She really is back.

Terror merged with exhilaration and coursed through my veins.

I peered into the sewer hole and saw that no one remained on the ladder.

I roared into the sewer. “Clear the way!”

Everyone scurried to the left and right, giving me ample space at the bottom.

I had to get down as fast as possible.

I know I can make it. I feel the power inside of me.

I tightened my grip on Camille and jumped into the hole.

Wind ripped by, raising the bottom of my tattered leather pants and Camille’s beautiful hair. The tresses still glowed like fire. Her gaze remained on me. She never blinked. It thrilled and scared me all at the same time.

She asked for blood. Why? It doesn’t matter. She’s here.

I planned to get as much blood as possible to her, but a tiny thought in the back of my mind twisted and unwound into fear.

Is this still Camille, or something else? Why does she need blood?

I landed on the sewer floor. Vampire waste splashed my hooves. Dominas scattered away and hid within the shadows of a new campfire that sat in the middle.

It was hard to breathe with the area so packed. Too much fear and sadness radiated from them.

“Open those doors.” I pointed to Ty and Victoria’s room as well as the one Leeta had slept in. “There are two bedrooms that way. Surely all can’t fit in there, but I have lots of blankets and pillows for occasions like these behind the green door inside of there.”

Two guards rushed to it.

I should learn their names.

“Blood,” Camille whispered.

My heart racketed in my ears as I headed to my bedroom door. “Yes, my queen.”

“Xander?” Leeta called.

I stopped and turned to her. “What?”

“What about food, new clothes, and water?” Leeta carried more wood to the fire in the center. “Do I have your permission to search around for it and let them use the rooms to take care of their needs?”


“And can I go to your sister?”


I raised my eyebrows. “For what?”

“She’s been hoarding money and valuables from your father for years in anticipation of a moment like this. She’ll have the money to help and the resources that we don’t.”

“Go ahead.” I walked off. “And take one of my guards with you, just in case.”

“Thank you, Xander.”

I gritted my teeth at her thanks, opened my door without looking back, brought Camille in, and slammed the door behind me. “I’m going to lay you on the bed and then go get you some blood. I have a few liters in a cooler farther down the sewer in a hidden—”

“Your blood,” Camille screeched. “I. . .need yours.”

Mine? Why?

I tensed.

“Give it to me.” She licked her lips.

My cock twitched with the movement.

I shook my head and struggled to think of something else, to get my mind off of the images of her body under me and those lush legs wide open.

What is wrong with me?

“How do you want the blood?” I extended my hand out to her lips, noticing for the first time that my fingers shook.

She kissed them. Her gaze never strayed from mine.

Although her body remained limp and her strength waning, all of her attention stayed on me.

Is this truly her? Or. . .something else?

My mind pushed outside of itself, searching and reaching for any of her thoughts.


A growl fled from my lips. Her eyes widened in fear.

“I can’t hear your thoughts.”

“Good. You’re. . .always. . .in my head. . .anyway.”

That’s Camille.

“Blood. . .” Her eyelids drooped over her eyes and then shut completely as she fell asleep.

What do I do now?

I stared at my hands, arms, and chest. Blood and rotted flesh painted me. I had to clean all the death off me before I could even consider touching her again.

Damn it.

Locking the bedroom door to make sure no one came in and touched her, I rushed into the bathroom, yanked off my clothes, and stepped into the small shower in the far back of my bathroom. I had a huge tub in the center of the room, but used the shower for quick cleaning right before helping someone escape. The tub was for relaxing after helping people flee. It was one of my many pleasures in this life.