‘Please excuse my sister,’ Luc joked. ‘You remember what she’s like, don’t you, Dante? But there’s one thing I can assure you, she’s very good at her job.’

‘I’m sure she is,’ Dante agreed, with a look that made her cheeks burn.

‘Well... If you will both excuse me?’

Karina stiffened as Luc started collecting up his things.

‘I’ve got another appointment I simple can’t miss.’

You can’t leave me!

Ignoring the look she gave him, her brother did just that.

Clever Luc. He’d left her with no alternative but to stay and entertain their guest.

Dante broke the silence first. ‘Well, Miss Prim.’ His voice was low and amused. ‘Why are you so reluctant to work with me?’

She drew herself up. ‘I don’t know what makes you say that. I’m looking forward to this project immensely.’

‘Liar,’ Dante murmured.

He sucked the breath from her lungs with that single word.

‘Are you still hurting after that night?’

Shock coursed through her. She couldn’t believe what he’d just said. ‘My only interest is to organise the best event the polo world has ever seen.’

‘Worthy and dull?’ he flashed.

Her cheeks blazed red under this attack. Was that was how she’d come across? When her brother left the room, she had been expecting a few pleasantries, and then the chance to make another appointment to see Dante to discuss her plans—and only that.

‘I expected more of you, Karina.’ His tone was scathing.

Completely thrown, she went into defensive mode. ‘I’ll give you my best. My clients have never been disappointed. My past record speaks for itself.’

‘Maybe your previous clients haven’t been as demanding as me.’

She couldn’t believe he was being so aggressive and, unsettled, she looked away. Reaching out, he cupped her chin and brought her back so she had nowhere to look but into his eyes. ‘Why so defensive, Karina?’ he goaded. ‘What aren’t you telling me?’

‘I don’t know what you mean. You’re a valued client, and I never break my promise to a client. That should be enough for you.’

Dante’s eyes narrowed. ‘You haven’t answered my question.’

Nor would she. Shaking him off, she stepped back. ‘If we’re going to do business together—’

‘You will have to lighten up,’ he supplied, in a tone that spoke worryingly of Dante’s growing doubt that she was up to the task.

She had to remind herself how many difficult clients she’d had in the past, and that Dante was just one more. But though she had always succeeded in winning clients over in the past, Dante was a unique case, and the way he was looking at her now, as if he wanted her to defend herself...

‘If you don’t like my suggestions—’

He cut her off with a laugh. ‘Brava, Karina. I had begun to think there was nothing left of the wildcat I remember.’

There wasn’t anything left of that reckless young woman. Was he suggesting she had learned nothing since that night?

‘You accepted this assignment because you can’t resist it,’ he accused her, bringing his face close. ‘How do I know this?’ With a shrug he stood back. ‘You accepted this contract because you won’t let your brother down. And you won’t let yourself down because you have far too much pride.’

‘I have pride?’ she demanded on an incredulous laugh.

‘Honoured client?’ Dante reminded her, easing onto one hip.

She would come to regret those words, Karina suspected as she looked away.

‘My driver is waiting downstairs.’

She stared at him blankly.

‘You’re coming with me.’

She shook her head. ‘I have work to do.’

‘Yes,’ Dante agreed. ‘My work. My contract that you just signed.’

‘Seriously, I really don’t have time for this.’

‘Then make time,’ he said coldly, reminding her of just how harsh he could be. ‘I can’t do business with you while you’re tense like this.’

‘Tense? I’m just busy, Dante. I only wish I could leave,’ she lied, softening her tone in the hope of placating him, ‘But, unfortunately, I have a very busy day ahead of me.’

‘With important clients?’

He knew there was no client more important than he was, and the air was electric between them. Two wills colliding and neither one of them prepared to back down. But Dante had the better of her today because he knew she wouldn’t let her brother down.