And then they were talking about the match and their latest pony acquisitions, but all the time he was aware of Karina. He’d ridden with her brother since they’d been boys. Luc and he were brothers in arms, both fiercely competitive, and he had never once discussed Karina with her brother. A man’s sister was inviolable, and though for years he had burned to know if Karina had a lover, it had been a question he would never ask Luc.

‘Karina has signed the contract!’

‘Excellent.’ He swung around to face her after her brother’s announcement. ‘There’s no one I can think of who is better qualified to organise the Gaucho Cup.’

‘No one understands the demands of polo players better than my sister,’ Luc confirmed warmly.

Karina said nothing.

Luc, who appeared not to have noticed his sister bristling, stared at the water in Dante’s glass. ‘Are you sure you wouldn’t like something stronger?’

‘I’m certain, thank you. I want to keep a clear head.’

Karina’s stare sharpened on his face.

‘Shall we?’ she said, glancing towards the boardroom table.

‘Certainly.’ He walked across the room to hold her chair for her.

Karina proved her worth within minutes, picking up points his lawyers had missed. He should have felt completely confident in her abilities, but found himself disappointed instead. Knowing Karina as he had, he had anticipated something extra, a little dose of magic that would have lifted the event above the norm. Her initial thoughts were well thought through, considering she’d only just signed the contract, and he had no doubt those plans would be executed flawlessly, but her ideas lacked oomph. They were pedestrian and he had expected more of her.

‘Well, I think that’s it,’ she said when her thoughts were exhausted. ‘I hope you have a pleasant journey home.’

He had intended to leave immediately after the meeting, but now he was determined to stay. He wanted to get to the bottom of the changes in Karina and to make a final decision as to whether or not she could realise the vision he had for the polo event. From what he’d seen so far, he had some doubts. Smiling easily, he relaxed back. ‘I’m in no hurry.’

Her expression hardened. He raised a brow. Her brother, once again, remained oblivious to the undercurrents between them. In fact, it was Luc who rescued the situation, saying, ‘You’re not leaving yet, surely?’

He smiled back at Luc. ‘No, of course not.’

‘Karina,’ Luc chastised her when she remained silent and still. ‘Are you forgetting your manners completely? Dante can’t leave yet. This calls for champagne.’

He added his support to Luc’s suggestion. ‘I agree with Luc. What’s the rush?’

The look Karina gave him called for more hemlock.

She clearly didn’t want him to stay, which made him wonder why she was feeling quite so defensive and angry. Could she have held a grudge for so long? Apparently, she could—but there was one interesting fact: she might be looking at him as if he were the devil, but not a devil she wanted to run from, rather a devil she wanted to stay and fight. That was a great improvement. It fired her up—turned her from an expressionless automaton into the Karina he had known.

‘You’re the client. Whatever suits you,’ she said, smiling a plastic smile.

* * *

Hard eyes. Hard mouth. Hard man. How could she ever have imagined she could work with Dante? He couldn’t know, of course, that what they’d done had set in motion a train of events that would have such far-reaching repercussions. She had to remind herself that the past had no part to play in these business discussions. She was proud of the career she’d built up. She’d worked hard for it, and would allow nothing and no one to take it from her—not even Dante Baracca. She’d give him no cause for complaint. If there was one thing she’d learned while working for her brother, it was that a woman had to be twice as strong as any man in the workplace, and that emotion had no part to play.

‘Your sister seems preoccupied,’ Dante remarked to Luc, as if she’d left the room. ‘Do you think she will find it impossible to work with me?’

‘I think she can handle you,’ Luc said dryly.

She swung around to confront them both. ‘I’m still in the room. If you expect me to run this project for you, please don’t discuss me as if I’m a blotter on my brother’s desk.’

Dante’s wry glance look suggested she had fallen into his trap. He had meant to provoke her to draw her back into the conversation.