‘Now I’ve tamed him?’ She pretended to think about it as the crowd waited in a breathless hush. ‘Yes,’ she said softly, ‘I can definitely marry the man I love.’ And then she covered the mike with her hand. ‘I always knew barbarians could be romantic, but aren’t you afraid of spoiling your image?’

She laughed as Dante sprang up.

‘I don’t care about my image,’ he said, as he swung her into his arms and carried her away into the night.


HOW THINGS HAD CHANGED, Karina mused as she hosted the two men she loved best in the world in her new and much larger office. The Gaucho Cup held on Dante’s fazenda had been such a success that the team had voted for it to be held each year at Fazenda Baracca, with Karina arranging the event.

‘You can’t get out of it now that you and Dante are to be married,’ her brother remarked as he stared with pride at the gleaming replica trophy that had barely left his hands since Karina had awarded it to him. The team had decided the original cup should stay with one man, and that man was Dante.

‘Are you threatening my fiancée?’ Dante growled, as the two men locked stares.

‘Yeah,’ Luc agreed happily. ‘I can’t think of two people who deserve each other more.’

‘So this was all your idea?’ Karina smiled at her brother, who refused to meet her eyes, making her instantly suspicious that he’d set her up—though, on this one occasion, she was prepared to forgive him as she stared at Dante and then at the beautiful emerald ring he’d given her—the same rough stone, her keepsake, now polished to its full eye-catching glory.

‘I always knew you’d make a good team,’ Luc murmured distractedly, as he paced the room to admire the trophy, which he had placed temporarily on her desk, from several different angles.

‘Is that why you volunteered me for the job?’

‘Could be,’ Luc admitted, ‘though I got some persuasion from a certain direction.’ He glanced at Dante.

‘That’s enough, Luc,’ Dante warned, as he gathered Karina into his arms. ‘And now you’ll have to excuse us as Karina and I have another appointment...’ Walking to the door, he held it open. ‘See you at the engagement party tonight.’

‘I’ll be there,’ Luc promised, fielding Karina’s accusatory look with an unapologetic grin. ‘I wouldn’t miss it for the world,’ he assured them, flashing Dante an amused glance as he snatched up his precious trophy.

‘We’ve got another appointment?’ Karina queried once the door had closed behind her brother.

‘You’re a very busy woman,’ Dante murmured, as he turned the key in the lock.

‘Dante, we can’t.’

‘Who makes the rules around here?’

‘Well, I do, but...’

Dante raised a brow and then raised her hands above her head as he pressed her back against the wall.

‘Keep that thought?’ she suggested, her pulse shooting up as Dante stared into her eyes.

‘Not for long,’ he assured her. Lifting her skirt, he dispensed with her underwear and let it drift to the floor.

‘Please,’ she gasped, all out of reasons why they shouldn’t as she locked her legs around his waist.

‘It would be my absolute pleasure,’ Dante assured her, sinking to the hilt with his first firm thrust.

Losing control almost immediately, she had to bury her face in his shoulder to muffle her cries of pleasure as he rammed her repeatedly against the wall.

‘Again?’ he suggested dryly, when she quieted, knowing what her answer would be.

‘Do you need to ask?’

He chuckled softy as he tightened his hold on her buttocks. ‘I have to take advantage of you while I can,’ he murmured against her mouth.

Dante was referring to her workload, which had increased considerably since the Gaucho Cup. News of her success had spread rapidly, and her diary was crammed to the point where Dante had asked her in all seriousness if she would have time to get married. ‘On the hoof,’ she had told him dryly. ‘In between arranging the sheikh’s wedding, and the naming of the Greek’s ship.’

Dante, of course, came up with the perfect solution. They’d get engaged on one day and married the next, and then spend the rest of their life enjoying a series of honeymoons.

‘You are a very bad man,’ she told him much, much later when they were on their way out of the building.