Our room may have two beds in it, but there’s only going to be need for one of them as far as I’m concerned—even if it is a twin. I’d gladly share either one of them with Allie. Or we could push them both together to make more space for us.

She was wearing that single-strap top like it was tailored specifically for her, and I could see she had a nice plump set of tits under there that I’m just dying to get to. Not to mention that black skirt of hers that’s hiding her legs from me…as I’m sure she’s got a nice set under there.

But I’m never going to see them if I can’t find her. So I grab my phone and step out into the hall. There’s nobody around really, so I head down to the stairs where I remember seeing a guy who worked for the hotel. He’s still there, sitting at his desk reading a book and looking sleepy.

“Hey,” I ask him, “have you seen a girl around lately? Real pretty, black skirt, white top with a single strap?”

“Sorry, man,” he replies, looking bored.

Sighing, I move on and go downstairs. I’m glad to see McKenzie took my advice and picked this spot for her venue for the wedding. It’s even better all decked out than I thought it would be. But that’s not what’s on my mind right now; what’s on my mind is finding that beautiful girl I’m supposed to be rooming with tonight and getting her back from wherever she’s run off to.

It’s hard to believe Allie and I met way back when she was twelve and she blossomed into such a gorgeous nineteen-year-old, but I guess stranger things have happened in the world. I guess?

The way she looks at me—so innocent and shy—it just gets me going. Makes me want to break her in and show her just how dominant I can be over her. She couldn’t keep her eyes on me throughout dinner? Well I’ll have her looking straight into my eyes while I slide into her and pin her sweet body beneath mine.

I go check the ballroom to see if she’s at the table again, maybe having gone back for some more dessert or something. But she’s not there, so I go back out to the porch where we were last talking, but again there’s no sign of her. I remember a billiard room in the back, and while I doubt Allie is much of a pool player, I head down the back hall to check anyway.

On my way, I stop when I see a figure on one of the couches. It’s Allie, fast asleep with nothing on top of her—not even a sweater to keep her warm.

“Christ,” I mutter under my breath as I slip out of my suit jacket and place it over her tender shoulder, so delicate and feminine. I do my best not to disturb her sleep as I slip my arms beneath her, but as I lift, she shifts and wakes, letting out the most adorable little moan as she does so.

“Mmm, Trish? Is that you?”

“No, not Trish, baby,” I respond as I carry her back up the hall. Her eyes open and immediately lock on mine. She gasps and jolts, nearly twisting out of my arms, but I hold her tight to keep her from falling to the floor. “Careful, cutie pie. Don’t hurt yourself.”

Allie throws her arms around my neck and holds on like she’s hanging on for dear life. “Where are we? I was sleeping!”

“You were sleeping on a couch without any blanket—without even a sweater,” I explain as I start up the stairs to the second floor. “This place gets chilly at night, Allie. I can’t leave you there to catch a cold.”

Her body against mine is already driving me crazy. She’s angelic. Carrying her like this feels like something I was meant to do. The two more days I have here with her for this wedding aren’t going to be enough. I have to find a way to get more time with her.

“So you’re a gentleman?” she asks.

“No not at all,” I reply. “But I’m pretty good at pretending.”

A cute little giggle escapes her lips as we reach the second floor.

So she likes a bad boy? Well, an innocent girl like her already has my dick swelling, stretching the fabric of my pants, so I can feel a connection starting to form as I make my way down the hall with her delicate body in my arms.

“Well, I’m not,” she replies. “I guess that’s why–”

“Why you ran away from me earlier?” I suggest.

She looks at me, her blush deepening, causing her adorable face to quickly start to resemble a tomato. She nods and averts her eyes. “Yes, sorry about that.”

“What did you think I was going to do?” I ask her. “Murder you? Chop you up into little pieces?”