“Most beautiful girl in the world?” he repeats, still looking pissed as we both start picking up plates and cups from the floor.

“Gorgeous girl,” I press. “She would have had luggage and been in a hurry.”

“Well, maybe…” he replies with a shrug. “A real looker came by a minute ago, and she had a suitcase with her–”

“Which way did she go!?” I’m trying not to shout at the poor guy.

“She took the side exit.” He points. “Sometimes people have cars pick them up out there–”

But I’m already hauling ass in that direction. “Thanks, pal!” I call back. “Sorry about the dishes!”

“It’s all good,” he calls after me. “Hope you find your girl!”

“Yeah,” I grumble under my breath. “Me too.”

I sprint down the hall, eagle-eying every door as more staff emerge preparing for the wedding. I dodge them all like I’m dashing through a television obstacle course, then shoulder open the door to the outside.

Sunlight blasts me right in the eye, but there she is, right in front of me. Allie, suitcase beside her, shoulders hunched, staring down at her phone.

She turns and looks back at me, and pain stabs me in the stomach when I see the tears streaming down her cheeks.


I rush toward her, but she immediately pushes me away and steps back. “No!” She screams. “Don’t you touch me, Grant! Don’t touch me!”

“Baby, please–”

“I read the messages, you piece of shit!” The pain in her voice hits me like a knife to the chest. It’s such a stark contrast compared to the way she was just smiling at me minutes ago up in our room.

“Baby, let me explain–”

“Explain?” she screeches. “Explain what? That McKenzie paid you to romance me? Paid you because she took pity on me because I’d been single for so long, and she thought I was some pathetic girl who could never get a guy on my own?”


“Because that’s what she did, didn’t she, Grant?” She’s glaring daggers at me now. If looks could kill, I’d be lying in a pool of blood at her feet. “Are you really going to deny it? You’re already an asshole, Grant. Do you really want to be a liar too?”

The pain on her face is killing me. I’ve never felt so terrible in my life. All I want to do is sweep her into my arms and make this all go away. But I can’t. What’s done is done. All I can try to do now is salvage the situation somehow.

“No,” I say simply. I let that word sit in the air for a moment as I can tell she is expecting more. She’s on the defensive. She’s ready for a fight. And the last thing I want to do right now is give her one.

She stares back at me, but then after a moment, she raises both arms in the air. “Okay?”

“You’re right,” I sigh. “McKenzie did pay me, but it’s not exactly like you think.”

“Oh, it’s not?” Allie scoffs, placing her hands on her hips.

“No, it’s not,” I reply. “And if you’ll let me explain–” And it’s at just that moment that Allie’s car pulls up behind her. She turns and looks at it. Her driver waves, and she turns back to me.

It may be my imagination, but I could swear I see the tiniest bit of hesitation in her eyes, and I have to act on that.

“Don’t, Allie,” I plead. “Don’t go. Please. Stay with me.”



I could go. I could go right now. All I have to do is turn around, have my driver help me get my suitcase in the trunk, then slide into the passenger seat and go. I’ll leave all this behind me and never talk to Grant or McKenzie again.

That would be the mature thing to do. The smart thing to do. That’s what I would do if I was completely and fully listening to my brain. But there’s something else speaking to me right now, and that’s my heart. And it’s telling me to wait and hear what Grant has to say.

“Fine,” I say.

I turn to my driver and wave him on. He glances at me and rolls down the window.

“Don’t need me?” he asks.

“Sorry, I’m sticking around,” I reply, trying to look as nice as possible. “Sorry!”

“No problem.” He smiles. “Have a good one.”

He drives off, and I turn back to Grant, who is looking at me intently. I’m doing my best not to let his incredible good looks influence me right now, but it’s difficult.

The sting from those messages between him and McKenzie are still fresh and feel like needles in my chest, stabbing me in the heart. The thought that she would hire him to be my date and to romance me because I’ve been single for too long, and that he would agree with it…

My love for him, the man I gave my virginity to. This whole thing has been a sham.