I wondered for a quick second if she’d noticed that I was still holding her hand or, just like me, it felt so natural that she didn’t even give it a second thought.

A moment passed as New York kept moving all around us at full speed. I’m not sure whether it was because I wasn’t saying much or something completely different, but I found myself drawn to her. Until that day I had never dated a collegue, but tonight had made me realize that it was pointless to try and stick to that idea. It was pointless because it was Charlie I was interested in. She was the exception and as unsettling as it was, I had realized that I was grappling with my own feelings and I didn’t want to anymore.

‘William,’ she whispered, her voice an intimate caress in the air between us as her eyes jumped from my lips to my eyes. ‘I forgot to ask. How did you even know I was here? Why did you really come? Do we have a new case?’


We were standing hand in hand and so close to each other that at first the fact that someone familiar was calling Charlie’s name escaped us.

It came again. ‘Charlie.’

The second time the tone was firmer and there was no mistaking who the voice belonged to. Both Charlie and I sobered up and she was the first one to look away. Then she slipped her hand out of mine before I could do anything about it.

‘Kimberly,’ she said simply, as she turned her back to me. Her shoulders were rigid, her chin held high.

Kimberly and her husband looked at Charlie first, then to me with a questioning look in their eyes. I inclined my head to both.

‘Good evening, Kimberly. Scott.’

‘What are you two doing here?’ Kimberly asked.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Charlie was faster.

‘Not what you think,’ she said, her tone stiff. ‘I was on a bad date and when I saw William walking into the restaurant I texted him and he got me out of it. He wasn’t holding my hand because he wanted to, don’t worry. No office romance.’

Kimberly chuckled a little as she shook her head. ‘I have no problems with office romance, Charlie. Dad, however, as you know, isn’t a fan of dating within the office. But still… if you guys are together, I’ll keep it between us.’ She looked at me and then back at Charlie, waiting for either one of us to respond to her.

I followed Charlie’s cue. ‘No need. I just helped her out. We’re working in the same team. A relationship wouldn’t be smart.’ I let go of Kimberly’s gaze and turned my focus on Scott. ‘Going out for a date?’

‘Kim is meeting with a client,’ he replied, wrapping his arm around his wife’s waist. ‘Would you two like to join us? It’d be more fun. What do you think, Kimberly?’ He looked at his wife, and Kimberly, after watching Charlie and me very carefully, shook her head at him.

‘I’m pretty tired, Scott,’ Charlie cut in. ‘I came here right after work so I’m going to head home. Thanks for the invite anyway.’

Ignoring Kimberly and her prying eyes, I discreetly put my hand on Charlie’s lower back. She did stiffen a little, but she didn’t move away from my touch. ‘I’m ready to head home as well. We were planning on sharing a cab.’

‘Oh, right. You guys live across from each other. I forgot about that.’

‘How about we get together another night?’ Scott asked.

‘I’m sorry, I’m very busy with work at the moment. Have a good night, both of you.’

And with those words, Charlie just walked away. Kimberly was smiling at me, but Scott was looking after Charlie with a scowl on his face.

‘Is she okay?’ he asked.

‘I believe so.’ I managed to smile at them both. ‘I better catch up with her. Have a good evening.’

In a few strides, I caught up with Charlie, leaving Kimberly and Scott behind.

‘I don’t want to…’

I cut her off before she could finish her sentence. ‘Do I have something to apologize for, Charlie?’

She stuttered at the sudden change of subject and frowned at me as we walked side by side. ‘What? Apologize?’

‘You were on a date. And it looked like an okay one, but I didn’t like a few things he did. That being said, what I did in there, should I apologize for it?’

‘Are you sorry about it?’

‘Not at all,’ I answered easily.

She looked forward again. ‘Then no, you don’t have anything to apologize for. It was a good date, or at least not a bad one. Surprisingly enough. The only good one I had in a while. But…’

I looked at her while we waited for the lights to turn green. ‘Yes. But?’

She gave me a sideways look. ‘I didn’t feel a spark. It was more like having dinner with a friend.’