Finally his phone stopped ringing and we both looked at it.

‘You’re not gonna call her back?’

‘No need. You ready to go home?’

I nodded after a moment of quiet. Home. Coming from William that sounded a little too perfect.

18 William

It was the day after the sex club fiasco, and I was in my office trying to get hold of a journalist about the dating app situation. The CEO was happy with us because instead of losing users they had brought in new ones. But that was not what was on my mind. My head had been all over the place the entire day. Not like me at all. Almost every single thought somehow had Charlie in it.

‘What’s wrong with you today?’ Rick asked as we stood right outside my office. I turned to him.

‘What do you mean?’

His brows rose. ‘I’ve asked you the same question for the last minute and you didn’t even hear me.’

I sighed and started rubbing my temples. ‘I’m a little distracted. Sorry, Rick. What did you want to know again?’

Keeping my eyes on him and only him, I managed to focus this time and answered his questions.

‘You’re heading out?’ he asked when we were done.

My eyes flitted to where Charlie was standing, around one of the rectangular tables in the shared work space, and I watched as she laughed at something a guy was saying. ‘Not yet,’ I answered distractedly. I should’ve known I would pique Rick’s interest, but I hadn’t been thinking straight the entire day. Why start now.

The guy, who must be a client since I hadn’t seen him at the office before, touched Charlie’s back, his touch lingering before he pulled it away. Charlie looked up at him and gave him a warm smile.


‘Yes,’ I responded, but kept my eyes on Charlie.

Douglas passed the duo and paused next to them for a second. I watched as Charlie stiffened for a moment, but then her dad must have said something normal because she relaxed and offered him a smile as the three of them started chatting. Then Douglas moved on and it was just Charlie and the guy again. He took one step closer and leaned down to say something into her ear. Charlie’s smile widened.

I took a step forward then stopped myself.

Someone cleared their throat next to me.

I clenched my fist and then forced myself to relax.

‘They’re friends,’ Rick offered simply, his voice quiet.

I took my eyes off of Charlie and looked at him. ‘Thank you, Rick, but I don’t see how that’s my business.’

He cocked an eyebrow at me. I sighed and gave my back to Charlie and her friend. Which I wasn’t sure if I believed.

‘We work together. I don’t like office romances between colleagues.’ Not colleagues for too long, I thought to myself, but didn’t voice it. ‘Not to mention I’m not looking for any type of relationship at the moment.’

‘I get that, but the way you looked just now says otherwise.’

I gave Rick a long look, then headed back into my office. He followed me in as I sat behind my desk and tried my best to look busy. I’m not sure I was successful, because he just stood there waiting for my attention.

‘How did I look?’ I asked in a bored voice, avoiding his gaze.

Slowly his lips stretched. ‘Exactly how you’ve looked since your first few weeks.’ He turned around and headed out, but paused in the doorway. ‘You’re interested in her. I was sure you two would’ve started something by now. She’s great.’

I grumbled something under my breath and started separating some papers that were on my desk. I would have to check and see what the hell they were later. Of course I was fucking interested. Who wouldn’t be interested in Charlie. And anyone who thought she was anything but amazing was an idiot. Of course none of that meant I was going to act on it. Not when we had so many things working against us.

‘You’re not gonna ask who she’s talking with?’ Rick challenged.

‘She can talk to whomever she wants to, Rick. If you don’t have any other questions for me…’

‘She was talking to Liam. He had a family emergency so he was on leave, but he’s back today.’

With that parting remark he left my office.

Had the two of them once dated? No they couldn’t have. Maybe in the last year? I didn’t think so. But she was ready now…

I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes for a second. Got up, walked around, then sat back down. I massaged the bridge of my nose, but nothing was helping. I didn’t even try to work. My gaze darted around the office and when I couldn’t find them around the desks, I stood up and spotted them walking into her office. He held the door open for her and then followed her inside.