‘Okay. But what am I doing exactly to tempt you? Not that I’ll use it as a weapon against you – just asking for research purposes.’

‘Because you want to tempt future dates?’ And why did that bother me so much? Why did I want her to tempt me every day with every look she sent my way no matter where we were?

She tilted her head up a little and my gaze dropped to her lips for a brief moment. From this close, she was even more beautiful. Her eyes. The hazel mixed with the brown. And even more than the eyes… She was saying I was looking at her in a certain way, but she had no idea how expressive her eyes were. She was stunning. Top to bottom, she was just stunning. Slowly she shook her head from side to side and licked her lips.

‘No,’ she whispered. ‘Just so maybe I can have them look at me the way you’re looking at me right now.’

I sighed.

She tilted her chin a little more, her eyes studying me.

I found myself lowering my head down, my focus on her lips. Maybe just one kiss wouldn’t hurt that bad. It wasn’t like we would get addicted to each other. It wasn’t like I’d want her more after just one kiss. I wondered for a second who was suffering more from this attraction between us. I didn’t think there was a winner.

‘Where are we going?’ I whispered, resting my hand against the car so I could stop myself from touching her.

‘Where do you want to go?’

I chuckled and took a deep breath. Closing my eyes, I rested my forehead against hers instead of tasting her lips.

‘You need to focus here. One of us has to.’

She released her breath and gently nudged her nose to mine.

‘Why does it have to be me? I think you’d be better at focusing.’

I huffed out a breath and smiled. Not being able to stop myself, I cupped her cheek with my palm and lifted my forehead from hers, but stayed close. Her eyes slowly closed the second my hand touched her skin. Her lips were almost just a breath away.

Lifting her hand, she rested it against my chest, warming my body with just that small contact. ‘Do you think it’s just the sex and the music, or is it us?’

She asked her question so quietly, so sweetly, that I didn’t know what to do with myself. My dick hardened in my pants. ‘Both,’ I answered, uncertain of my own answer. ‘Mostly us, I think. I want to touch you so fucking bad right now, Charlie.’

‘I wouldn’t say no to that,’ she whispered. ‘Remind me why we couldn’t do this again?’

I sighed. It was a good question. A reminder would help us both. ‘You’re moving.’

‘Yes, I’m doing that, aren’t I?’


‘What else?’ she whispered. Her fingers gently crumpling the material of my shirt against my chest as if she needed an anchor. ‘William?’

Hearing my name out of her mouth almost destroyed me. ‘I can’t remember,’ I whispered back, my head slowly inching closer to hers again.

She opened her eyes and our gazes met. Her fingers still gripping my shirt, she went up on her toes, her chest touching mine and I…

There was a loud thump against the window right next to where we were standing and the shithead ruined everything. ‘Hey! What about me!’

Both Charlie and I snapped out of it, having completely forgotten about Hugo or whatever his name was. It took a moment, but I dropped my hand from her face and stepped away.

‘We should drop him off,’ I muttered.

Charlie cleared her throat. Once. Twice. ‘Yes. Yes.’

‘The key?’

‘The car key. Yes. I… One sec.’ She opened the back door, ignored Hugo – who already had his eyes closed and head dropped to the back of his seat – and bending, she grabbed something from the floor and shut the door again.

‘Here.’ She offered me the keys, her voice coming out a little breathless. ‘Let’s go.’

As soon as I had them, she turned and got into the passenger seat. I took a few deep breaths and had to discreetly adjust myself as I rounded the car and got myself in the driver’s seat.

‘Where to?’

16 William

It didn’t take us nearly as long as I thought it would to get to our destination. Hugo had snored all the way to the hotel, and Charlie and I had decided to stay quiet. I couldn’t help but steal glances at her every now and then, but I had no idea what she was thinking. Was she thinking maybe it was stupid to stay away from each other when there was clearly a connection or attraction or whatever you’d call it? I was starting to think so.

I was about to pull into a spot in front of the hotel when Charlie noticed a group of people waiting at the doors.