‘This him?’ I asked and let Charlie walk in front of me so she could check him out.

‘Yup,’ she said and closed the door. ‘That was him and his penis.’

I laughed. ‘You want to come in and help me with him or…’

‘How about I’ll wait here and you bring him out. I think I’ve seen enough cocks and pussies for tonight.’

‘Charlie…’ I groaned. Even the words coming from her mouth were having an effect on me. My dick was unexpectedly having a very rough night. ‘I think you’re gonna have to be more careful with words around me.’

Without looking at her again, because I wasn’t sure how many more times I could make myself look away, I dropped her hand and went inside the room.

It took me several minutes to convince the guy to leave. I didn’t exactly know who he was or his music group for that matter, but the mention of a media frenzy was enough to leave the club behind.

We went outside without the girls as they kept going without Hugo. Taking one look at an anxious Charlie, Hugo sighed and dramatically said, ‘Oh my Charlie, we were meant to be.’

‘Yeah, yeah,’ Charlie muttered before I could cut in. She grabbed Hugo by his arm and started walking away. ‘I think I’ve heard enough from you tonight.’

She looked at me over her shoulder. ‘Back door is over here. I asked when you went inside. Come on. You’re gonna have to drive his car. I didn’t have anything to drink, but I don’t think it’d be best if I drove right now.’

I followed them all the way to one of the SUVs parked outside in the back. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t thoroughly enjoy Charlie turning down the guy repeatedly.

‘Charlie. Come to my room tonight,’ Hugo insisted. ‘We won’t tell anyone.’

‘How about this one who is standing right next to us? He already heard so it’s too late. Plus, you’re drunk,’ she said for the fifth time.

Producing a key, she unlocked the back door.

‘But you like my voice. I can sing to you.’

‘So? I like his voice too.’ She pointed at me over her shoulder. ‘Do I jump on him just because I like his voice? I don’t.’

The guy gave me a long once-over as I chuckled at Charlie’s words, then shook his head as he held on to the back door Charlie had just opened.

‘So you two are together?’

Charlie huffed. ‘Do you even hear what I’m saying? Get in. My dad will kill me if they learn what you did tonight.’

The guy sighed, but followed her instruction and climbed inside, closing his eyes the second he was seated. ‘Killjoy.’

‘Thanks, I try,’ Charlie deadpanned.

I moved forward to close the door, but Charlie still had half her body in the car, trying to put the guy’s seatbelt on. She started to move back, but before I could do anything the guy pulled Charlie forward onto the back seat and I heard her gasp my name.

My smile disappeared pretty quickly as I rushed forward and held her by her waist with both my hands to pull her out. As soon as I had her up on her feet I leaned inside the car, getting into his face. ‘Touch her again and I’ll break your hand.’

He grinned and shut his bloodshot eyes. No doubt he’d be asleep in ten seconds.

I slammed the door shut and started trying to calm myself down. This was one of the many reasons why I never liked working with celebrities. They thought the world revolved around them.

Luckily Charlie was fine. But I had her trapped between the car and me, so now I was the one mauling her. She was gripping my arm, the one that was still holding onto her waist. Finding myself a little too close to her, I looked down and into her eyes as she watched me silently.

Everything around us disappeared and dropped. ‘Charlie,’ I murmured.

‘I’m not doing anything,’ she whispered.

‘You know you are.’

‘You’re the one who is touching me.’

‘I was trying to help you out of the car before he pulled you onto his lap.’

‘I wouldn’t let him do that.’

We silently stared at each other for a few more moments. Then the wind blew in and a strand of her hair covered one of her eyes and she blinked. She was reaching up to get it away from her face, but I couldn’t help myself and acted before her. My knuckles caressed her face as I gently tucked it behind her ear, the simple act making my heartbeat accelerate. I relaxed my hold around her waist and her body gave a slow jerk, a barely there movement. I met her eyes as I slowly released my breath.

‘What do you think I’m doing?’ she asked, quietly. ‘Exactly.’

‘You’re tempting me,’ I responded, having trouble hiding a small smile.