And I had to admit it was nice to be in William’s team, working with him, Trisha, Stan, and Rick. I realized I was happier sharing the load with them than running around the office trying to get to everything my dad was throwing my way. He was still doing that, but not to the same extent. And if I was not mistaken, he was still a little embarrassed about what had happened at the dinner. Not because of the way they treated me, because none of them saw anything wrong with it whatsoever, but because William had witnessed it. I had no idea what words they had shared between them or if they had shared any, but I could see just from body language that William was being distant in general when they were both in the same room. Or more professional in a sense.

Needless to say I didn’t think he’d accept a dinner invitation from our family anytime soon, if ever again.

Maybe after I left.

It was around 7 p.m. and I was enjoying shopping in the grocery store when I saw him pop up in the bread aisle. I saw him before he noticed me, and I was already smiling, something in my chest fluttering. I’d learned really well to ignore that fluttering in the last few weeks, but regardless of that fact it hadn’t disappeared yet.

My eyes slowly took in what he was wearing – a thin, black sweater and jeans, and he was taking off his black sunglasses. The image of him caused my heart to lurch with an extra thud.

My smile got bigger when our eyes met and he beelined straight towards me with a smile of his own. My fingers closed around the pack of bagels I was holding a little too hard, so I had to force myself to relax. He was shaking his head when he stopped in front of me.

‘Are we even surprised?’ I asked.

‘I can’t go anywhere without bumping into you,’ he returned.

I laughed. ‘You’re just gonna have to admit that you can’t get enough of me. The more you think about me, the more the universe will give me to you.’

He raised one of his eyebrows and a slow burning heat flooded my chest. ‘Is that so?’

I tried to backtrack. ‘When I say give me to you, I meant as in show me to you.’

His lips parted with a smile. ‘I know what you mean, Charlie.’


His eyes and the way he looked so deep into me as if he were trying to understand me just by looking at me always got to me and I melted a little. On the inside, of course. I think I was very good at hiding that I had a crush on him again. As much as I was loving the being honest thing from my list, this was one of those things that I didn’t think would do any good to admit out loud. Under different circumstances, sure, maybe.

At the moment. No. It would do no good and only make things awkward.

‘Okay. Good. Because… you know what? I’m not even gonna try because I’m pretty sure I’ll just dig myself deeper.’

‘I’ll help you change the subject,’ he said, with humour dancing in his eyes.

‘Not that I needed any help, but please go ahead.’ I dropped the bagels into the basket in my hand and we started walking together.

‘I’m glad we ran into each other, because just an hour ago I heard back from my friend in California. I’d mentioned her to you. Nora, remember? She’d been out of state, but she’s back and she’d like to have a Zoom call with you this week whenever you’re free. They’re looking for someone and I think you’d like working with them.’

I stopped and faced William. ‘Are you serious?’

‘Yeah. I told her about you a little and she is excited to meet you. The position is still available.’

‘I could kiss you right now, Mr Carter,’ I blurted out softly, without thinking what the hell I was saying. My heart went into a fast, frantic beat.

There was a pause as I wondered if I could take back what I’d said or just laugh it away, but he spoke first.

‘Far be it from me to keep you from…’

‘Excuse me,’ someone said in a light voice and both William and I turned towards the owner of it. A teenager, looking awkward and wary. ‘If you could… I just need to get some bread?’

‘Oh, so sorry,’ I muttered and started walking again. I was an idiot. A second later I felt William following me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Get it together, Charlie.

No kissing.

‘No hot dates tonight?’ William asked when I turned around a corner.

‘I was on a date the entire day,’ I replied distractedly. ‘He tired me out and now I need food.’ William was quiet so I looked over my shoulder. ‘You coming? I need cheese.’