The smile grew into a fully fledged grin and I immediately looked towards William’s office. There were people walking around in the shared working space so I couldn’t see him immediately at first, but then he was right there. Leaning against his desk and staring right back at me.

I laughed, and he smiled back. I sent him a small wave and lifted one finger to indicate I’d be right there and mouthed it too for good measure.

I didn’t want him to think I was a lunatic, so I turned around with my grin and took a quick photo of the note and sent it to Val before putting it next to the other ones in the drawer.

Charlie: This is his third note. I think it’s a thing. Tell me if it’s a thing. I think it is.

Valerie: Is that from Willy? Tell me that’s from Willy.

I chuckled. William was most definitely not a Willy.

Charlie: It’s from William, yes.

Valerie: Charlie!

Valerie: He is into you. Sandwich, fries and a brownie? Are you kidding me? Marry him or I will.

I shook my head.

Charlie: He isn’t into me. We’re friends. But the notes do make me happy.

Valerie: No comment, but know that you’re being stupid. What is he wearing?

Charlie: A black suit. He took off his jacket in the middle of the meeting. It was a sight to behold.

Valerie: Eeep!! Take a video next time.

Charlie: How about I call him to my apartment and ask for a private undressing?

Valerie: Oh! Good idea! We’ll do a video call.

Still laughing, I stopped texting and headed to William’s office. I opened the door and walked in, closing it behind me.

We stared at each other for a second too long.

‘Hi, friend,’ I said simply with a smile as something inside me shifted. I was so screwed.

William stood up and smiled at me in his black pants and crisp white shirt. ‘Hello, Charlie. I believe you’re here for the fries.’

‘Fries are very hard to say no to.’

I beamed at him, feeling happy.

Oh, how I wish that had been the last time I’d seen him that day.

13 William

I’d left the office around 7.00 p.m. and soon enough made it to the address Douglas had sent me. Since I had to turn down his dinner invitation twice before due to all the things I needed to handle – new place, new team and cases – I’d said yes this time around.

Home didn’t exactly feel like home either yet, so I had accepted the invitation. He had mentioned his mother and Kimberly would be there, but not Charlie.

Which is why I was so surprised when I knocked on the door of the luxurious townhouse, only a few blocks away from my place, and Charlie answered the door.

She was still wearing the same black skirt and lilac shirt she had been wearing earlier that day but where her hair had been loose and wavy, now she had it up in a bun with only a few errant pieces framing her face. The curve of her neck caught my attention as my eyes followed the V of her shirt down to the buttons. I snapped my eyes up.

‘William?’ she asked, the surprise on her face echoing in her words. ‘What are you doing here?’

‘Douglas invited me over to dinner.’

‘Oh,’ she muttered, her face falling a little. Still holding the door, she looked over her shoulder. ‘I…’

I frowned. ‘Is that okay?’

Her head jerked back towards me, but she was avoiding my gaze.

Confused, I just waited on the threshold with the wine I’d purchased on my way.

‘If this is a bad time…’ I trailed off.

‘No,’ she rushed to say. ‘No. Of course not. Dad didn’t tell me.’ She sighed, opened the door wider and gestured inside with her hand. ‘I’m being an idiot. I’m sorry, please come in.’

I stepped inside and handed her the wine after she closed the door.

‘Is that William?’ I heard Douglas ask from somewhere in the house.

‘Yes, Dad,’ Charlie called.

I couldn’t put my finger on it, but she looked stressed – something was not right.

‘Charlie,’ I muttered and leaned closer to her. ‘I’m not sure what’s wrong, but if you’re not comfortable with me being here, you can tell me.’ I looked into her eyes and she finally met my gaze. Standing this close, I also noticed the slight flush high on her cheeks. ‘I can find an excuse and leave.’

Her face softened and finally a smile made its way onto her lips. A small one, but I’d take that too.

‘Don’t be ridiculous. Come on. My dad is in the living room. Dinner is almost ready.’

Still a little uncertain, I followed her through the hallway and came face to face with Douglas.

‘Welcome, William,’ he greeted me.

I shook his hand, but my eyes were on Charlie. Holding the wine bottle I had given her, she gave me one last look and then exited through another door. Douglas took me into the living room where I met his mother Susan, Kimberly and her husband Scott. It looked like I was barging into a family dinner. Maybe that was why Charlie had been acting weird? After some small talk, Charlie came in to let everyone know the dinner was ready.