‘No. I don’t think we did,’ I answered, distracted as I stared at Charlie.

Her smile warmed up. ‘I’m sorry, I wish you’d had that.’

I noticed the couple in front of us had gone quiet and the girl was watching the scene with the same rapt attention as Charlie while trying to look like she wasn’t watching at all. I looked around the cafe and everyone else was minding their own business. I couldn’t help but smile as I heard Charlie sigh; the guy was giving his wife a kiss as he cupped her face with his hand. The woman was standing on her toes, clutching the flowers to her chest and was slightly flushed when he let go of her, only to lean down and whisper something in her ear. She laughed and gave her husband a kiss on his cheek.

‘This is highly inappropriate to watch,’ I whispered to Charlie, but she shushed me.

‘Don’t make me sound like a creeper, I’m not watching them. I’m just an observer observing.’ She finally turned to me when the wife started fixing the guy’s tie. ‘That’s the cheese and cliché I was talking about that I want. Can you imagine the amount of trust that goes into a relationship like that? The love. And just knowing that you have each other?’ She released another sigh and faced forward. ‘That’s the reason why I won’t settle with just anyone.’

A cute couple who were waiting in line ahead of us started to argue in a low voice; we couldn’t tell what they were saying since they were talking in German. He turned and looked at the girl, then gently dropped a kiss on the top of her head. From the corner of my eye, I could see Charlie already melting at the scene. The girl wrapped her arms around him and they gave each other a quick hug and another kiss. Charlie sighed next to me and the girl looked over her shoulder.

‘Hi. Sorry were we too loud?’

Charlie shook her head with a smile on her face.

‘Not at all. Don’t worry about it.’

Thank God, the teenagers moved away with their order, bringing me one step closer to my coffee.

‘William this is what I’m talking about. Wouldn’t you want this?’

‘Want what?’

‘The banter is such a cliché in the best way possible—’ Charlie started whispering, leaning towards me a little, but immediately stopped when the girl in front of us turned to us again.

‘Hi, I’m Melinda.’ She smiled brightly. Too bright for the hour. ‘Quick question, do you think I should go to my friend’s wedding alone, just because this one doesn’t get along with my friend?’

Charlie didn’t even hesitate before answering. ‘Oh, no he has to come. That’s not even a question.’

The guy gave Charlie a quick look. ‘Great, there’s another one of you.’ Then he grunted and looked away.

‘Please ignore him,’ the woman apologized. ‘He knows I’m right so it’s annoying him.’ She turned to her boyfriend. ‘We’re going together. It’s gonna be great.’

The guy sighed and shook his head.

‘I love this,’ Charlie exclaimed, giving me a big smile. ‘I want this.’ She faced Melinda. ‘You guys are lucky to have each other.’

‘We are,’ the guy murmured with a soft look on his face.

Charlie turned to me expectantly.

‘How should I know,’ I muttered unenthusiastically.

Charlie rolled her eyes and put her hand on my arm again, pulling it back the last minute. ‘His answer doesn’t count, he is just grumpy because he hasn’t had his morning coffee. You should see him when he gets right out of bed. It’s a sight to see.’

There was a loud pause. I couldn’t help but lean down to meet Charlie’s fleeting gaze. ‘And do you see me first thing when I get out of bed every day?’

She stuttered, trying to avoid my gaze while also trying not to smile too widely.

‘Yeah,’ I murmured, straightening and crossing my arms against my chest. ‘That’s what I thought too.’

‘You guys just got together?’ Melinda asked.

Charlie nodded, looking unsure.

I didn’t look at my new girlfriend, but gestured towards her with my head. ‘A whole two weeks of rainbows and sunshine with this one.’

Charlie laughed and looked up at me with a big smile. ‘I fell in love with him on sight,’ she said, causing me to raise my eyebrow. ‘Couldn’t spend another minute without him. It was the most romantic thing to ever happen to me.’

‘Grumpy men are so sexy, I know what you mean,’ Melinda put in.

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. I was starting to question the sanity of thinking I should get coffee in the morning.

Charlie was nodding excitedly. ‘Oh yes. You should see him when he’s lost in thought and just a little frustrated. I secretly watch him when he is working and he runs his hand through his hair in this way that… ah…’