He turned to me. ‘Do you want to hear why? Now, Charlie?’

‘No. No, I really don’t. Not here or anywhere,’ I rushed out, shaking my head. ‘It doesn’t matter anyway. Come on, it was years ago. It doesn’t matter,’ I repeated myself for good measure.

‘It matters.’ He gave me a long look, then nodded before turning to Gayle. ‘I don’t like to talk about my personal life to colleagues. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t open this subject again. Not with me.’

Gayle gave a half-shrug. ‘Fair enough.’

If looks could kill, Gayle would’ve been six feet under already.

And that was it. The mystery remained a mystery. Which was good.

Then Gayle asked something about William’s old job in California and the conversation turned to safer things. Because it was my superpower to blend in, and I was still somewhat removed from the group, I didn’t participate much. Gayle’s phone rang and she had to take it outside. I was almost done with my beer and taking in my surroundings again, when I felt William’s eyes on me. It was impossible not to notice his attention.

‘Have you decided on a date?’ he asked quietly and I frowned at him.

‘What date?’

His body moved towards me, slightly, and there was his thigh pressing against mine again. My body hummed.

‘You said you were going to move soon. Do you have a set date?’

‘Oh, I don’t. I need to save up a bit more and if possible find a new job first. That would be the best plan. Two, three months, maybe? Hopefully not more than six.’

He gestured towards where Gayle had disappeared to with his chin. ‘She doesn’t know, does she?’

Feeling a rush of guilt, I sighed and shook my head. ‘No I haven’t told her. Not just yet. She knows I want to move, but she doesn’t know it’ll be so soon. I’ve been talking about moving for so long that I think she doesn’t believe me anymore. I want to make sure I have everything set up before I tell anyone. Also she kind of doesn’t want me to move.’

‘She doesn’t want to let you go.’

He drank from his beer, so I did the same and let my eyes wander around the room again.

‘Been on any more dates?’ he asked, right as I spotted Gayle in her red top and black jeans heading back to our table with a troubled look on her face.

Distractedly, I focused back on William. ‘Sorry?’

He tilted his head a little, searching my gaze for something.

‘I’m heading out,’ Gayle said as soon as she reached our side, saving me from William’s scrutiny. She picked up her coat that was hanging on the back of another chair and quickly put it on.

‘What’s going on?’ I asked, sensing her annoyance from the way her lips were pressed into a thin line.

‘Nothing important, don’t worry about it. I’m gonna check on something then head home.’ She exhaled loudly and pulled out her ponytail from the back of her coat.

‘I can come with you if you need me,’ I offered, knowing she wouldn’t take the help.

‘It’s fine, trust me. Kevin, my husband, is having some problems at his work, he just needs to talk to me, that’s all.’ Then she met William’s gaze. ‘I’ll call you as soon as I get the info we’ve been waiting for, boss.’

William nodded as I glanced from one to the other.

Gayle raised her hand in goodbye to everyone as she came to my side and leaned down suspiciously to whisper in my ear. ‘You two look great together. I approve. Go for it.’

I sputtered something unintelligible, but she was already weaving between tables. There was absolutely nothing to go for and she knew it.

‘I’m not going for anything,’ I yelled after her, because I wanted to have the last word on this subject once and for all. All I got was a distracted wave as an answer and some weird looks from strangers.

‘Not going for what?’ William asked, and I closed my eyes in defeat before turning to him.

‘Nothing important.’

‘So I’m not that important then?’

For a second I froze, then I groaned. ‘You heard that, didn’t you?’

He tapped his ear. ‘I have pretty good hearing.’

‘I’m gonna keep that in mind.’ I shook my head and drank from my beer. ‘She doesn’t know what she is talking about. We don’t look great together at all, and I wouldn’t go for you.’

His eyebrow rose. ‘You wouldn’t go for me, huh?’

‘Not at all. You’re not my type anymore.’ Lying had never hurt anybody.

Distracted, I heard how the rest of our table was heatedly discussing an old case of the firm’s. It would’ve looked weird if I ignored William by shouting a random comment from my seat to be included in the conversation. So that was out. William shifted in his seat, facing me almost completely and ignoring the rest of the group. I managed not to move.