As he stood before me waiting for my answer, it took me a moment to realize I needed to stick to my list and go with him. As dramatic as it sounded, this was the only life I’d have and I had to stop thinking there would be a better moment to say yes to things.

I nodded, reaching for my handbag. ‘Okay, then. Let’s have a beer.’

His eyebrows rose and I watched as his lips tipped up.


‘Sure. We’re kinda good at this friendship thing, right? So what’s one beer among friends. Why not?’

There was no way I’d make a fool of myself if I had just one beer with him.

Famous last words.

10 Charlie

The walk to the bar hadn’t taken us long and Parker&Quinn was already crowded exactly like I’d assumed. The others – there were around seven of them, including Gayle – had taken ownership of two booths with high tables. We said a quick hi to Rick, Gayle and everyone else and thankfully they tried not to act too shocked to see me there. William sat next to a girl from accounting, and I took the only remaining seat right across from him. I was a little removed from the others since I was on the very end, but that wasn’t news to me, and I was actually more comfortable like that. I took off my jacket, draped it over the back of my chair and put my handbag on my legs, slightly hugging it to my stomach like a safety blanket.

I looked up and Gayle winked at me. I smiled back, relaxing my shoulders. I was fine. I would just have a beer or two then head back home to Pepp. As a bonus I’d get to spend time with William and not look like a hermit. This is how you lived your life and followed the steps on your list. Spending time with others. Mingling.

One of my arms around my bag, one elbow on the table, my chin was resting against my palm while I was taking in my surroundings as our group laughed and chattered when William spoke to me.

‘Are you comfortable?’

Did I look uncomfortable? ‘Yeah, sure. You?’

His lips stretched out and he smiled at me as if I had said something funny. Unsure, I smiled back. He leaned across the table and my heartbeat slightly picked up its rhythm. Just stuff that hearts do. Completely normal.

‘I’m comfortable, Charlie.’ His eyes dipped to my lap, then back up to my eyes. ‘You’re hugging your bag.’

I looked down to my lap, then back up at him. ‘Yes, it seems like I’m doing that. I like it. It’s comforting.’

His smile softened, and he put some distance between us again by moving back. ‘Okay.’

‘I’m not being weird, if that’s what you’re thinking. It’s a comfort thing.’

‘Not what I was thinking at all.’

I didn’t have a comeback for that. ‘Oh, okay then.’

‘And just so you know I happen to like weird.’

I averted my eyes from his inquisitive gaze when I felt arms around my shoulder.

‘Charlie, you know I didn’t invite you because I didn’t think you’d come, right?’ Gayle whispered into my ear.

I relaxed in my seat and put my hands on Gayle’s arms as she rested her chin on my head.

‘I never come, why would you keep asking me?’ It was almost true. She still asked me to go out after work every now and then, but since I always felt dead at the end of the day, or some days I had to deal with family stuff, all I’d want to do was go home and relax. Of course, when I was home and relaxing I’d always regret not going out.

‘Apparently I wasn’t the right person to do the asking,’ she remarked.

There was a pause, and I noticed William staring at us. As soon as we caught each other’s eyes, someone on the other side of the table asked him a question and he gave them his attention.

‘I’m here only for one beer,’ I quietly answered Gayle. ‘It has nothing to do with that.’

Twisting my neck, I looked up at her, but before I could say anything else a waitress stopped by the table, planting a martini in front of me.

‘Oh, I didn’t order anything yet,’ I blurted out, but Gayle let go of me and reached for the drink.

‘Mine, babe.’

The girl turned to me with a small smile. ‘I’m Lola. Can I get you anything?’

‘Can we have two beers?’ William asked, grabbing my attention again. Then there was a commotion and two more people joined our group.


I turned my head to meet William’s gaze. ‘Ah, yes?’

He smiled, his eyes sparkling. ‘I asked if whatever is on tap was okay with you?’

I cleared my throat and met Lola’s gaze. ‘Sure. Whatever is on tap is great.’

After a bright smile Lola left us to ourselves.