I gathered my things, closed my laptop, turned off my desk light and was about to shut my office door when I saw William heading my way. His hair looked dishevelled and I knew it looked that way because he worked his hand through it whenever he was frustrated. I was starting to get to know him all over again. Other than his hair, he looked unfairly perfect.

Yet, I still didn’t have a crush on him. Thankfully. I liked him, but I wasn’t really salivating after him. A soft crush maybe, but that was kinda, sorta normal.

He was holding his jacket in his hand. His white shirt was still clinging to his broad shoulders in a way that distracted you way too much, and his pants… there wasn’t much I could say about those that wasn’t indecent. I was embarrassed to admit to myself – also maybe not – that I might have caught sight of some bulge earlier that night while we were working with everyone in the meeting room, and ever since then I was having a hard time stopping my eyes from trying to catch another sighting. Some things just couldn’t be hidden. Not my fault.

‘Hey, Charlie. You’re ready to leave?’

I gestured towards the elevators. ‘I just finished. Heading home. You?’

His brows drew together. ‘You’re not coming?’

‘Coming? Where?’

‘Stan and Rick invited me to this bar you all frequent, apparently. Just to have a beer. They said a group of you head there a few times a week.’

I felt a bit awkward since nobody had invited me, but that wasn’t a big deal. Sometimes Rick or Gayle forced me to go with them, but mostly I was excluded. Maybe because I was the boss’s daughter, or maybe because I was just plain boring. Most of the time though I just had to work late. I started walking towards the elevators and he fell in step next to me. ‘Oh, yes. They do. Gayle joins them too. You’ll have fun.’

‘How about you?’

It felt weird to admit to him that I wasn’t invited every time they met, plus I didn’t want him to think I was too dull to be included, so I chose not to mention it. ‘Occasionally I tag along too, but mostly I’m too tired to enjoy the crowd and noise. I tend to be the last one to leave the office so that doesn’t help either’

The elevator doors opened. There were three guys already in there, heatedly discussing football. I moved into the left corner, William took the spot to my left and to my relief there was some space between us.

Eyes up, Charlie. Eyes up.

I was studying the ceiling – just to make sure my eyes didn’t betray me – ignoring the soft chatter around us when William spoke up.

‘So?’ he asked, slightly leaning towards me, his arm touching my shoulder. I managed not to move or lean towards him.


‘Are you coming tonight or not?’

I glanced at him. ‘To the bar? It’s pretty late, I should probably head back home to Pepperoni.’

‘He’s alone?’

‘No, I called my neighbours earlier when I thought we’d finish around 10.30, 11 p.m. They took him up to their place so he can spend some time with their lab, Daisy.’

‘Sounds like you have good neighbours.’

I gave him a small smile, thinking of sweet Antonio and Josh. ‘They’re amazing. Josh is an author. He writes crime novels. They offered to help with Pepp whenever I need it, especially when I’m at work since he doesn’t seem to be a fan of me leaving, but I kinda don’t want to overdo it. I know Josh needs his quiet time when he is working, but Pepp and Daisy get along so well. We have keys to each other’s apartments in case of an emergency. Josh takes Pepperoni with them too when he is taking Daisy out for a walk.’ My smile got bigger, just thinking about Pepperoni’s reaction to me coming home. ‘You should see how happy he looks when he sees me at the end of the day. He acts like we’re long-lost lovers.’

William chuckled. ‘He is taken care of for another hour then.’ He stopped near the doors, so I stopped too. ‘Come on. Let’s grab one beer then we’ll leave together. I couldn’t say no since this was the second time they invited me already. Not to mention I hate getting the subway alone.’

Fascinated, I watched as he started putting on his jacket and his waistband pulled at the crisp white shirt.

Look. Away. Charlie.

‘I really don’t look good enough to be out in public, I should head home.’ Unconsciously, I checked my ponytail and pushed a few strands of hair behind my ear.

William tilted his head and gave me a confused look. ‘Try a better excuse. Maybe something that has some truth in it this time?’