I took a step towards them, hands in my pocket. ‘Since I’m new to town, I don’t know the area well. I haven’t had anything to eat yet. You know a good pizza place or something around?’

Standing between two parked cars, she turned around to face me. ‘You’ve lived in New York, William.’

‘Not this area.’

We stared at each other, then both of us smiled. I just watched her.


‘Oh. Yes. Ah, there is an Italian pizzeria down the street to the left. Johnie’s. It’s very small, but they make the best pizza around here. You won’t be disappointed.’

‘Would you like to join me?’ I didn’t think too much on whether it’d be a good idea or not to have dinner with someone on my team before I asked. But after the words got out, I decided it wouldn’t be the worst thing to have a casual dinner together to maybe ease the tension between us and become friendly again. I realized I would actually like that.

She took her time before answering. I wasn’t sure if it was because she was considering my offer or trying to find a way out of it.

‘I can’t,’ she said eventually. ‘I kind of have a date.’

I raised an eyebrow. ‘A date?’ It wasn’t my business. ‘Kind of? How does that work?’

When Pepp started pulling at her, she checked the street before she started walking backwards with Pepp’s guidance.

‘I have no idea. It’s kind of like an online thing so I’m not sure if it counts as a date. I’m giving it a try so that should count for something, I guess.’

I nodded. ‘Ah, got it. The wonders of online dating.’

‘Oh yes, the wonders… I would go with horrors, but let’s be positive like you. Okay then, have a good night. Oh, and thank you for the save.’ Raising her hand, she gave me a wave.

‘You’re welcome.’ I took a few steps as if I were going to follow her until I caught myself and stopped. I was standing on the edge of the sidewalk like she was on the other side of the road. ‘Rain check on the pizza?’ I asked. I had to raise my voice a little so she could hear.

She stopped moving towards her stairs. ‘Ah… sure. Maybe another night? We’ll all go out together with the team.’

The team, yes. That was probably the right answer as well.

7 Charlie

‘I need someone to kiss me. You know this. Are you one hundred percent sure he is an okay guy?’ I asked Gayle as she hovered in front of my office door. After my online date had turned up drunk and looked absolutely nothing like his profile pic – which I could’ve ignored if he was apologetic about it instead of being drunk and shouting my name across the bar in an effort to find me – I was willing to take drastic measures. And it didn’t get any worse than blind dates. I knew that much. Had learned it the hard way this last year after my breakup with Craig.

‘What is it with the kissing? I told you he is one of Kevin’s friends, he is an orthodontist. I’ve only met him twice…’

‘Yes, yes, I know. Your husband is great so his friend can’t be that bad. What was his name again?’

Gayle sighed and, crossing her arms, leaned against the doorframe. ‘His name is Ralph.’

‘Ralph.’ I tried his name a few more times and made a face. ‘I’ve never dated or kissed a Ralph before. Not sure how I feel about it.’ When I saw Gayle straighten a little and open her mouth – her fighting stance – I raised my hand, palm out, stopping her before she could start on me. ‘I know. I know. I’m being annoying. I just… we know how bad I am with blind dates or dates in general. I’m nervous, that’s all.’

She cocked an eyebrow. ‘You’ve only been on what? Two blind dates? The one that Rick’s wife set you up with, and the other one I can’t remember. Was it the guy from the 13th floor?’

I shivered. ‘Yes, it was. The IT guy. He looked so sweet, but…’ I shivered again and Gayle chuckled. ‘He single-handedly ruined blind dates for me. Wouldn’t you agree?’

After considering it for a second or two, she finally nodded. ‘Yeah, I’ll give you that much. That part when he tried to lick your feet at the restaurant… yeah, that was maybe pushing it a little.’

‘You think so?’ Feeling a little nauseous at the reminder, I shook myself out of the nightmare that was my blind date a few months ago. No wonder I didn’t want to go out with anyone.

‘Ralph is a good guy,’ she continued. ‘I’m pretty sure he won’t try and get under the table to lick your feet. He is pretty mellow compared to Kevin’s other friends. I like talking to him when he is around. And you saw his Facebook, he is a good-looking guy.’