Something unravelled inside me and my legs gave out. William didn’t let me fall, he picked me up, and I buried my face in the spot between his shoulder and neck, my tears rushing to the surface. I knew he was walking us somewhere, but I didn’t have it in me to look or do anything but cry while I was clutching him to me with all the strength I had left.

He gently sat down and arranged me in his lap so I could still keep my face in his neck. He gave me one of the best hugs of my life and drew me to himself. Tight to the point that if he had put on just a little more pressure I’d have felt pain.

‘It’s okay, baby,’ he whispered next to my head. ‘I’m here.’ He repeated the words over and over again. ‘I’m here, Charlie. It’s okay. I’m here now. I’m never leaving you again. You will never be alone again. You’ll always have me.’

The more he repeated them the tighter I hugged him and the more the tears flowed. ‘I’m sorry, William. I’m sorry for leaving like that.’

I don’t know how many minutes passed with us holding each other tightly, but I moved my head a little when I felt his warm lips against the skin on my neck.

‘I love the way you tilt your head just slightly when I kiss you right here.’ He touched the spot he just kissed with the tip of his finger and trailed it down to my collarbone, sending a rush of shivers throughout my entire body. He loosened his arms just slightly, but didn’t let me pull myself too far away.

I watched him as he studied me back.

‘Do you have anything to say to me?’ he asked, his voice a little unsure. I couldn’t remember if I ever heard him sound unsure of himself.

I cupped his face in my hands and stared deep into his eyes. ‘I’m in love with you, William. And I want you to be mine so badly, I don’t know why I was so afraid to say it out loud when you mean so much to me.’

He sighed, his eyes closing. His forehead dropped to my shoulder as he peppered small kisses to my skin.

Then he was staring back. ‘I’m already yours. We belong with each other. We both knew it, but it feels good to hear you say it.’ He brushed the back of his knuckles on my cheek. ‘It’s that look in your eyes and your eyes specifically that grabs me by the throat, Charlie. Please, never stop looking at me like this.’

‘I hoped you’d come back to me,’ I murmured, tears gathering in my eyes again. ‘But I wasn’t sure if I should even hope because you didn’t come. Again. You didn’t come. And maybe I overreacted because of that, but I didn’t know what else to do.’

‘I’m never leaving you again. You’ll never have the opportunity to guess. I promise you. I will never find someone like you in a million years. You’re all I want.’

‘You’re in love with me?’ I asked, just to make sure and just to hear it again.

He smiled and finally, finally pressed a kiss against my closed lips. I could tell he was smiling. ‘I’m so in love with you. So deeply in love with you. I want to give you my whole life, Charlie, if you’ll take it.’

I burrowed closer to his body, resting my head next to his.

‘You really quit? You won’t go back? Your family – do they know? Do you have to go back to New York? Are you going to stay here? Can you stay here?’

‘I’m staying. I can’t let you go for a good while. And I did quit. I paid the amount the contract demanded if I were to quit in the first six months, and left.’

My lips parted, but William stopped me before I could protest.

‘Don’t even try. I couldn’t stay there. Not without you. What I paid doesn’t affect me, trust me. My family do know I’m moving back to California. Actually that’s why it took me a while to get here. I wanted to go and see them just in case it took me a while to go back. I didn’t know how you’d react to seeing me or if you’d take me again. So I went to them with Pepp and then flew in here this morning. I’m staying here. With you.’

I licked my lips and stared at him.

‘You’re in love with me,’ I repeated for the third time.

‘Head over heels. And I want us to live together if that’s okay with you.’

I smiled. ‘You’re serious?’

‘Why wouldn’t I be? I can’t get a good night’s sleep when you’re not sleeping in my arms.’

‘I’ve never lived with a boy before.’