‘We’re not doing anything about it then? That’s it?’ I avoided William’s gaze – if he was even looking at me, that is.

‘That’s it,’ William retorted harshly and my eyes found his.

I completely ignored his scowl and nodded. ‘Then I have other work to do.’ Turning around, I walked straight out of the meeting room without a glance back, leaving them all in there.

I wasn’t the same person I was months ago. I’d promised myself that I would be my own number one, and I was going to follow my own advice. I wasn’t going to let anyone – anyone at all – talk down to me.

* * *

After stewing on it for a while, I decided I was still going to have a conversation with Kimberly. I wanted to hear it from her. All I had to do was wait for William to leave for lunch.

After dealing with a phone call from a very excited Laurel Nielson, I walked into my quiet office and closed the door. I rubbed my temples, trying to rid myself of my overwhelming headache. On my desk – not in the pages between my book, but on top of it – I found a note. I glanced down at it, but didn’t feel the compelling urge to pick it up, like I usually did.

We’ll talk.

I didn’t look up, and I certainly didn’t try to look for him. I didn’t want to talk to him at the office. After the work day was done, maybe. Big maybe. But now, here? No.

My phone started ringing and, hoping it wasn’t Laurel again, I glanced at the screen with a grimace. Nora’s name flashed on the screen, I didn’t feel like I could hold a conversation so I let it go to voicemail.


I looked up to see Gayle at my doorway.

‘Can I borrow you about the dating app account? I need you to confirm something.’

‘Of course,’ I muttered, walking towards her.

‘Are you good?’ she asked, her eyes trying to meet mine.

‘I am. Just a headache. Don’t worry.’

‘You talked to Kimberly?’

At least my friend knew me enough to guess that I would talk to Kimberly. ‘Not yet.’

She acknowledged that with a small nod. ‘I’m working out here today, just to keep an eye on things.’

I followed her to the open work space and sat next to her. We hadn’t even settled down when we heard William’s voice. Both our gazes snapped up in the direction of his office, which was almost right next to us. I had purposely avoided him and his room for the last few hours, but now I was too curious to look away.

A woman stood before him in front of his office door. And William looked surprised and uncomfortable. At least from what I could tell.

‘Do you know who that is?’ Gayle prompted.

‘I can’t see her face.’

We both watched as William recovered and guided the woman into his office. His eyes darting around only for a second. They never landed on me. When he moved away from her, I realized the woman was pregnant. Her clothes almost hid her belly, but from the side you could tell she was expecting.

A sense of dread filled me as I struggled to take my eyes away from them. The woman was holding her stomach protectively, and talking. William didn’t move and I couldn’t see his face or his expression.

‘Charlie?’ Gayle spoke, but I couldn’t look away from the scene in front of me because I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach: the woman was his ex. I hadn’t seen her in person before, but she looked like the woman in the photo William had shown me.

I suddenly had a heart-clenching moment when William put a hand on her back, guided her out and walked out of his office, pulling the door closed behind him.

As they walked past us, I wanted to clear my throat or do something to get his attention, but he didn’t notice me, and I couldn’t find the voice to make a peep.

‘Charlie, are you sure you’re good?’

I swallowed the heavy lump in my throat while looking down at the papers strewn in front of me. I was trying my best to remember what Gayle needed me for instead of thinking who William had walked out with.

‘What am I looking at here? What did you need me for?’

‘We don’t have to do this now. This hasn’t been the best day for anyone and…’

‘Gayle, show me what you need from me.’

My phone vibrated on the desk.

Nora calling.

I ignored it and tried to concentrate on Gayle’s voice.


I looked up and met the gaze of my dad, who was standing right next to me, his expression telling me I was not going to enjoy hearing what he was about say.

29 William

I still had a headache and the painkiller was taking its time to work. Tired, I looked up from all the documents I’d been looking at for the last half-hour and my head jerked back slightly when I saw Lindsey striding towards my office, eyes on me. My jaw clenching, I slowly got up and opened the door. She waited for me to be the first one to speak, her expression calm.