I neither loved nor hated apple sauce, but I took what she offered as I stared into her gaze and chewed as she studied me.

Licking her lips, she reached forward, put the plate back on the coffee table and focused on me.

I remembered a question she had asked me just yesterday.

‘What do you want from me?’ I repeated her words softly.

‘You,’ she replied just as softly, eyes stuck on my lips.

I gave her what she was asking for and went for her lips. Her soft, bare, and beautiful lips.

28 Charlie

I had spent the night at William’s place. I’d only slept with him a total of two times, and when I mean slept, I mean actual sleeping was taking place: eyes closed, bodies wrapped up in each other, and all smiles galore on my part. I had kissed him maybe a little over twenty times in total, counting the kisses at his mom’s place. And had sex with him six times in the last two days. Yes, I had absolutely counted.

After all of that, I didn’t want to sleep without him again. When I had whispered that to him in the early morning hours, William had just smiled at me, brushed my messy hair away from my eyes, and gently kissed me with a smile on his lips, right after whispering, ‘That’s not happening anytime soon. Trust me.’ A few moments later, we were making number six a reality.

Just a little after he had left for the office, I took Pepp out for his short morning walk, then crossed the street to my own apartment, running into Antonio as he was leaving for work.

‘Look who is doing the walk of shame this morning.’

I grinned, not in the least bit ashamed. ‘That’s me.’ Mostly because it was a very short walk across, and I didn’t mind Antonio seeing me at all. He got down on his haunches to give Pepp some scratches while his eyes were on me.

‘So he is in? It’s official?’

The grin just widened on its own. ‘He’s in.’

‘He looks good on you, beautiful.’

I could feel my cheeks heat up a little. ‘Thank you, Antonio.’

‘We’re having a little party between close friends tonight. Celebrating Josh finishing his first draft. If you don’t end up working late, bring your guy and drop by.’

I hadn’t been around other people with William yet, when we didn’t have to hide that we were together. ‘I’ll ask him. Thank you so much.’

Antonio straightened and Pepp leaned against my leg, his tail thumping the door.

‘If you need us to walk Pepp, let Josh know. I think he was planning to take Daisy to the dog park today. She’d love this gentleman’s company.’

I petted Pepp’s head and shook my head. ‘You guys are doing too much already by walking him in the evenings when I’m late.’

‘It’s not work at all, we love having him around. And have you forgotten all the times you’ve looked after Daisy when we’re away?’ His phone started ringing and he distractedly checked the caller. ‘Okay, Charlie. I need to take this.’

‘Of course.’

He rushed down the stairs, looking over his shoulder. ‘Bring William by, we’d love to get to know him better. See you tonight.’

‘Have a good day at work!’ I shouted as he raised his hand and waved at me while heading down the street.

It took me almost an hour to get to the office after feeding Pepp and getting ready so I was worried I’d be late, but I made it in around 8.45 a.m. so it was still kind of quiet. And most importantly, my dad hadn’t showed up. My phone pinged with new messages.

William: When are you getting in?

William: Next time remind me to either wait for you so we can come in together, or just be aware that I’m planning on taking you with me.

Charlie: Why? What’s wrong?

William: I keep looking towards your office every minute to see if you’re in yet, and it’s making it hard to focus on work. That’s what’s wrong.

William: Are you close?

William: I’m shocked to say that I’ve missed you in the two hours we’ve been apart. And I’m slightly appalled that I’m admitting it in a text message.

Laughter startled out of me. Feeling a flutter in my chest, I dropped my bag and everything else in my office and tried not to look as if I was rushing across to his room where I was expecting to find him.

To my surprise, instead of finding William, I found Kimberly, just standing in front of the windows.

She looked over her shoulder when I opened the door hesitantly and walked towards me.

‘Good morning, Charlie. I was waiting for William.’ She glanced at the phone in her hand. ‘The meeting is gonna start soon. I heard that he wanted to see me to fill me in on something about the Ephesus case, but he isn’t around and I need to leave.’