Just like he said, my eyes filled with unexpected tears and I blinked them away. Missing just one tear as it found its way down my cheek. He wiped it off before I could.

‘I don’t want you to cry. I never want to see you cry again.’

‘William, I…’

The doorbell rang, and I jumped in my seat as Pepp started barking at the door.

William got up, way slower than I did, and offered me his hand, pulling me up from my seat. I needed the support because I was too shocked to be able to move on my own, but I somehow made it to the door and opened it, with Pepperoni gazing behind my legs.

It was Antonio, Josh and Daisy, so Pepperoni stopped hiding and joined his friend for an enthusiastic hello.

‘Uh, hi guys,’ I mumbled and with a small jolt realized William was now standing right behind me, his chest on my back. After everything he had just said, the closeness of him had gained new meaning, and I realised I wasn’t wearing all that much.

‘Hello,’ Antonio said, eyes going from William to me. ‘We… wanted to ask if you and Pepp wanted to join us for a walk with Daisy since the weather is getting softer, but you have company, so…’

My brain was still a little fuzzy so I couldn’t find my words. ‘Ummm…’

‘You must be Antonio and Josh,’ William said, extending his hand.

‘Ah, sorry guys. I’m a little distracted tonight. This is William. He is my… colleague from work.’

They shook hands.

‘And her friend, too, I would hope,’ he added, giving me an inquisitive look.

‘Yes, friend, too,’ I repeated.

‘If you two are busy… with work or something else, we can happily take Pepp with us,’ Antonio put in, his eyes going back and forth between William and me.

‘I’m not sure…’

‘We’d really appreciate it. I wanted to have a talk with Charlie,’ William said over me.

I started shaking my head, not because I didn’t want to or was afraid to be alone with him, but because I liked the idea of having Pepp around as a buffer if needed.

‘You really don’t need to,’ I stated. ‘You know he isn’t the best on a leash yet, I don’t want him to tire you guys out. He’s gaining weight by the day it seems and you already have Daisy and… I was gonna take him out myself later,’ I ended my ramble lamely.

Both Josh and Antonio smiled. ‘Sweetheart,’ Josh started, clearly amused, ‘it’s safe to say both Josh and I are bigger than you. We can handle a pup if you can.’

I flushed a little. For crying out loud, of course they could. And it wasn’t the first time he had gone out for a walk with them. Heck, I left him with them while I was at work so many times.

‘Come on,’ Josh prompted. ‘Get his leash. We’ll take care of your baby.’

‘I— okay. Uh…’ I looked around, avoiding William’s gaze, and left them to go and get Pepp’s leash. The good boy followed me and patiently waited as I put it on him. ‘I love you,’ I murmured. ‘Be a good boy, okay?’ I gave him a kiss and then another one and we walked back to the door where William and the boys were chatting.

‘He’s ready,’ I announced and William’s eyes came to me.

My stomach flipped, so I looked away and handed Antonio the leash. Pepp took a step towards him, but then turned and glanced at me to see if I was following him. I gave him another quick kiss as Josh laughed at me. ‘Bye, baby. Be good.’

‘We’ll take care of your boy, don’t worry, sweetheart,’ Josh said, before another round of goodbyes between everybody, and then I closed the door and that was it.

We were alone.

My mind racing, I stood facing the door, my hand still on the handle.

‘You’re not gonna look at me?’ William asked, his voice low.

I took a deep breath and turned to face him and tried to steady my heart because it didn’t look like he was done with it yet.

We locked eyes and William closed the distance between us. I linked my fingers behind me so I wouldn’t be tempted to touch him. Not yet. Not until I understood exactly what he was asking of me.

‘Honesty?’ he asked quietly.

‘You like me?’ I shot back. ‘A lot?’ More than a question, it was a statement, but I was trying to make sure.

He smiled with his eyes. ‘I have the biggest crush on you, Charlie. I like every single little thing about you, yes.’


‘Remember how I told you your ex and every other guy is an idiot. I’m not an idiot, Charlie. I want you, you must know this. I hope I’m someone you want to have in your life too.’

I swallowed the heavy lump in my throat. I was rooted to my spot.