“Who was it?”

“I don’t know. I think he was a hang-around. Skip got ahold of me and told me he hurt the guy, tried to act like a white knight. Didn’t like that I didn’t fall under his spell for him doing that, either. I stayed away for a while after that again. Again, Delia asked me to help out with another big party and I think she thought I was always around anyway, and I didn’t correct her. I couldn’t say no to her when she was always so nice to me. She didn’t like a lot of the club girls but was so sweet to me. Anyway, I wound up in a corner talking to Spencer. And gotta say, Spencer kind of … I don’t wanna say he misled me, but the way he was being, I thought he was interested in me. Not just in sex. I drank too much and admitted I never wanted to be seen as a sweet butt, that it happened by misadventure and picking the wrong biker to believe. He and I spent time together, almost inseparable for about a week, but we were partying too hard. I was caught up in the fun and in a rare moment of wasted honesty while we were doing E together, I worked up the nerve to ask him to give me a shot. To make me his girlfriend. He didn’t take me seriously. And honestly, it was kind of heartbreaking. I ran out and Edge stopped me in the parking lot and coaxed me back in. He was sweet. He let me cry on his shoulder kinda thing. He’d always been nice to me. Spencer saw us and took it wrong, thought I ran out on him and straight into another guy’s arms. He got kinda pissed. Got sort of possessive and mad at me. Weird. He didn’t want me but didn’t like the idea of me and Edge? Not fair. Didn’t believe Edge was just being nice to me for the sake of it, so Edge figured we’d let people think what they wanted. Spencer accused him of taking advantage of me being hung up on him and things got really heated. I got between them and got knocked over. That was my fault for getting in the middle when they were being hostile. Edge felt bad and let me use his room that night. People assumed I spent the night with him, but he went home. He invited me back a few days later for another party and I’m not sure why I went. Lonely I guess. By this point I was coming to terms with the fact that I wasn’t gonna be part of the MC family in the way I wanted.” She shrugged. “I knew Edge had a girlfriend and heard they had an open relationship. But he didn’t even make a pass at me. He was just… including me in the party. Skip tried to move in on me again and Edge read my body language and told him to step off. I admitted to Edge how Skip was harassing me, and Edge put word out that I was doin’ him exclusively so that Skip’d back off and so that I could come around whenever I wanted. Edge… I spent time with him, slept in his room a few times with him there. But, I don’t want to share about it, because that’s stuff that’s between me and him, and there was intimacy, but we didn’t have sex, we didn’t even kiss. There was just… I don’t want to betray his confidence, so I don’t wanna say. It’s probably down to him I even still came around until I got barred. He’s a good friend and if he hadn’t lost his girlfriend and been in a bad headspace, he probably would’ve talked Rider around. But it was time for me to cut ties, so I felt like Rider was doing me a favor, actually.”

I said nothing. It’s been mentioned that Edge has some deviant sexual tendencies. I didn’t know if it was rumor or truth and didn’t care.

“Also,” she continued, “Lick tried to get it on with me a couple times, kissed me once, but I didn’t let it go farther because I knew Jojo was madly in love with him. He was fun and we partied together but nothing else happened. Jojo is a great girl. I’d never fuck her over that way.”

“Are you done or is there more?”

“That’s all. I made a pass at Deke once when I was drunk and feeling sorry for myself. Didn’t know he and his now ex-wife were together at that point so he turned me down gently and actually put me in a cab to get me home so I wouldn’t do somethin’ stupid. Or stupider. Now… you know. If you decide you can’t deal, please tell me so I don’t get more invested, because Jesse…” She let that hang and gave me a look.