I didn’t know who those bitches belonged to, but the space looked to be filled with only old ladies, no hang-around girls today. These two obviously had opinions about Gianna being here in a room of bikers and their women.

I gave both women another dark look and then I leaned across the table.

“Gimme a smooch,” I demanded.

Gianna was frozen, looking at me with confusion.

“Right now,” I ordered and leaned forward another inch.

She leaned closer and our lips touched.

And then I fed her a strawberry and while she chewed, I said, “You’re where you’re supposed to be right now; don’t let them pull that shit on you.”

She swallowed the berry, looking at me with moist eyes.

I kissed her again. “Yeah?”

She nodded.

“Show me that beautiful smile. Forget them,” I ordered.

Her closed-mouth smile didn’t touch her eyes.

“Gonna work on makin’ sure your smiles don’t gotta be fake ones,” I said and fed her a blueberry.

“That’s really sweet,” she murmured, dabbing at her mouth with a napkin.

“My job as your man.”

More emotion came from those eyes. I didn’t like to see her sad or trying to make herself smaller and she needed to get that she didn’t need to put fake smiles on with me.

“Hey girlie. You look like you need a new bestie to take your back,” came a female voice.

A Sioux Falls brother, Victor, sat down with us. His woman held her hand out toward Gigi.

“Tracy,” she introduced herself.

“Hi. I’m Gia.”

“I know who you are. My old man told me you saved some lives, too.”

“Don’t know if I’d go that far…” Gigi muttered. “Hi Vic.”

“Hey, Gia.”

“I would,” I put in.

“Brother,” Vic said and shook my hand.

Tracy smiled and held her hand out. “Nice to meet ya Jesse. So, Gia, I for one am happy to take your back with those bitches, too. I heard ‘em while I was pouring my cup.” She lifted her coffee mug. “Just told ‘em you not only got every right to be here since a member invited you in, but you also saved at least three lives, which means this club has your back. Evidently some of the brothers around here neglected to share that information with their women. But I’ll be more than happy to spread word around.”

“Oh. Uh… thanks.” Gigi tucked her hair behind her ears while she looked over at those two women, whose expressions were a little different now. A little contrite.

I leaned forward in Tracy’s direction and made sure my voice was loud enough to carry. “She isn’t just here because I invited her to be. Or because she’s got club protection. She’s here because she’s mine.”

“Yeah, baby!” Tracy cheered loudly, “Passed the audition. Congrats.” She held her cup out.

“Audition?” Gigi inquired, tapping Tracy’s mug with her own.

Fuck sakes. I looked to Vic with my brows up.

He winced. “Doll, your choice of words.” He threw me an apologetic look and then tacked on, “Again.”

“You two got that in common, eh G?” I said, “Foot-in-mouth disease?”

My girl’s eyes lit with humor while Tracy barked out a loud laugh, retorting, “If so, I ain’t lookin’ for no cure. I am who I am.” She waved her hand. “Every man, no matter the woman, auditions her before he makes her his. She does the same.”

Vic barked out a laugh at that comment.

She looked to her man briefly, “Yeah, you passed your audition, baby, with flyin’ colors.” Her eyes moved back to my girl. “Don’t mind my choice of words, sister, ‘cuz what matters is you landed yourself a hottie. A hottie and a half. And lotsa bitches won’t just be jelly that you’re all that, cuz you really are, but also cuz you landed yourself all that.” Tracy gestured to me.

I shot my girl a wide smile.

Her shoulders shook with silent laughter. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I dropped a kiss on her knuckle.

Vic looked at me apologetically. I gave him a half smile. He rolled his eyes, pulled a flask from the inside pocket of his cut and poured some amber liquid into his cup of coffee before taking a gulp.

“Gimme some of that,” Tracy pointed at her mug. Vic poured a bit in while she continued. “Don’t worry, Gia. I’ll get word around that you’re not a club girl anymore. You’re Jesse’s girl. Hey, like the song. You’re gonna give the rest of the sweet butts hope, girlfriend.”

Gigi laughed nervously, hiding behind her coffee mug again.

We finished breakfast, continuing to shoot the shit with Vic and his woman, his woman doing a lot of the shooting and my girl being quiet but cool with them at the same time. Tracy was exchanging numbers with her by the time I announced we needed to roll out.


“Put a Property of Jesse shirt on her and everyone’ll know,” Delia whispered into my ear when saying goodbye to me. This was after she informed Gigi she’s taken care of the cremation bill. She then reminded her that she’s happy to host a celebration of life for her.