I was among the few who knew that like Fork, the biker on the phone with a voice disguiser was a Jackal not because he chose it, but like Fork, his father considered it a legacy and therefore there was no choice. Only a few of us knew that, as obviously it’d be easier to figure out his identity with that information.

A cautionary tale for any lad thinking he wanted to be a biker. The kind of shit I’d heard while I was incarcerated was my warning. Not to mention growing up in the Dakotas meant I crossed paths with and heard tales of bikers good and bad.

While on the inside, it was clear my friendship with Torque and his crew saved me hassles and beef. Torque’s acceptance made me untouchable. But, I knew from minute one it wasn’t enough reason to pledge myself to an MC. Some men found themselves indebted for life to people who protected them on the inside. There was no such expectation from Torque, though he made it clear he thought I’d fit in with his club.

Things might get worse with those Jackals before getting better. Jackals have put word out that they’ve got backing from a cartel and any hassles preventing them from getting up to their usual bullshit would come with a price. Rumor has it they’ve been trying to swell their numbers, align with outlaw clubs who don’t care how dirty their money is as long as they make it. Their M.O. is to threaten those that aren’t enticed with their mantra to get them to cooperate. Jackals go against the creed of most clubs by going after innocents.

These dogs aren’t the only ones putting word out about associations and their plan. We’re also putting word out, making sure both larger and smaller like-minded clubs know that if they’re a decent club, our network will help them if they’re cornered by the Jackals.

Their Ipswich prez Gordino and a couple of their senior patches are about to get arrested in a way some of them will go down for decades. And our association with the Reaper and Reiver clubs have helped us glean intel that every remaining president of a Jackals charter is wanted by not just the cops, not just us, but also wanted by a cartel south of the border. With some connections Rudy and Deke have, a different cartel that’s now apparently in cahoots with the Jackals is about to meet with the cartel that especially wants Gordino’s blood. Those two cartels have worked together before for mutual benefits and a negotiation could escalate things quickly, possibly even end them.

And while all this is happening, while the assholes are out puffing up their chests and spreading word they’ve got firepower behind them, they’ve also been boldly amping up their bullshit. Beyond framing Edge for murder, they’re pulling little heists against their enemies, like taking a delivery truck with four motorcycles slated for the Valentine bike dealership.

The Aberdeen chapter went beyond into the red zone today after drama today at Jenna’s House of Allure. Scott faced a couple Jackals trying to get heavy-handed about drug debts Pippa’s ex had. Spence bought the debts and put Pippa under protection. With all that’s been happening, the intel from Gigi included, traveling solo is a thing of the past for now.

After arrests happen and key players are either taken out or run off in a way we know they won’t be back, Fork will be making a public declaration by wearing a brotherhood patch. He’s anxious to get back to his life. His job. He’s been underground for months. We’re getting airtime on local news during a charity event that’ll bring good press for not only our club in Aberdeen, but also for some of our allies who will show up to lend support, getting themselves lumped in with the ‘good guy’ bikers.

I shook hands, clapped backs, or bumped fists with every man departing Sioux Falls tonight, including Skip, who looked into my eyes with what looked like apology again (whether it was sincere or not remained to be seen). I didn’t like what my gut told me about him, so I’d see how things went.

When the convoy roared off, I was the first to move. I had a mission – seal the deal with my new girl.

She jolted once again when I slipped in. Nervous? And was I correctly reading relief to see me? Did she think I wasn’t comin’ back? Fuck, this girl’d had a number done on her.

The braid was gone from her hair. Good. It was loose and ready for my fingers. She’d taken off the hoodie and the tights and was in a tight, crop tank top and those booty shorts I’d joked with earlier. The light was out, just the bathroom door half open with the light on to make it easier for me to find my way to her. The room smelled like candy floss. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, clenching the comforter.