“How ‘bout music?” she suggested.

I turned the radio up. Supertramp. Take the Long Way Home. I cranked it. She looked relaxed beside me; she sang along, knew the lyrics. Goodbye Stranger came on right afterwards and she sang all of that, too.


We rustled up some breakfast when we got back, me dazzling her by putting the salsa and cheese into an omelet instead of a scramble, then lazed around all afternoon watching a marathon of action movies before making burgers when it got dark. She was quiet. Seemed lost in thought a lot. But the quiet was nice. She ate her burger without bread, salad on the side. She was down to just a few slices left of that bread so I wondered where we could get more around here. After we ate, we hiked the property a bit. She carried a can of bear spray with her and insisted I carry my gun. We saw no bears, but we did see deer and rabbits and she told me she was a city girl now but lived in the country when her folks were together and loved it, always thought she’d like to live somewhere with rabbits and deer running around. Some place with a yard where she could have flowers. On a river, lake, or with an ocean view. Told her I felt the same. Liked quiet. Hated traffic. Noise. Didn’t need neighbors. Told her I could see myself in a place like the Valentine cabin, that it’d be perfection if there were a lake where I could sink a line. She softly said she could see herself in a place like it, too.


I was lying on the bed in her room finishing my book. When I closed it, she asked, “Done?”

“Yeah,” I replied. “Have I not been payin’ you enough attention?”

She smiled from her spot at the end of the bed and then crawled up on it. I heard a crinkle as she got close and suspected it was a condom. It wasn’t. She held up a Fruit Roll-Up.

“Wanna play?” she asked.

My brows shot up. “What’re you gonna do with that?”

She went for my fly.

I laced my fingers behind my head and watched.

She licked my cock all over, slowly, lavishly, the same way she licked her cutlery when she ate. Though this time, there was eye contact. And it was hot. Scorching.

After my cock was fully wet, she wrapped the blue Fruit Roll-Up around it.

And then she set about making a snack of it. And me. She took her time with it, too, using that tongue, nibbling with her teeth a little, and yeah it was sticky, but it was also fucking fantastic.


Friday night, we played a game of darts and some foosball in the basement while she paraded around in one of my t-shirts, telling me she wasn’t breaking my t-shirt rule since she’d been fucking me. My reaction was to fuck her for hours before falling asleep together, her gorgeous hair fanned out over me like a silken blanket.

She was sweet. She was a great lay. Conversation was easy. Nothing heavy. And unlike her babbling up until now, she was quiet, letting me lead the way. The silence wasn’t awkward, it was companionable. And I could barely keep my hands off her. She was really fuckin’ pretty when she smiled. Fuckin’ gorgeous when she came. She had a talented tongue, and made the sexiest sounds I’d ever heard when she came.

She listened like she gave a shit about what I was talking about. That said, she was holding back with me, though I wasn’t with her and that surprised me about myself. But I knew she had a whack of shit on her mind so chalked it up to that.

I’d set the bottle of lube on the dresser beside her purple box, and she reminded me about her marriage rule with a big smile. I told her Rider’s girl had the same rule and that Ride was always on about ring shopping. She laughed about that, though it felt forced. And I wondered for a second if she was jealous. But she must have read the fact that I was trying to read her, so she babbled nervously about being upset hearing Ride got shot even though Ride exiled her from all Dominion Brotherhood clubhouses, saying she understood, that she probably needed distance at that point anyway. Though she didn’t elaborate.

I had the skinny about her thing with Spencer from his mouth to my ears, but wondered how deep she’d gotten with Ride. With Edge. With other brothers. If any of it was beyond bodies connecting. I shouldn’t care about that shit; the past was the past. And it was too soon to know where this was going with us, so I shoved those thoughts off.


We’d been in a bubble for days, playing house, fucking like rabbits, playing music, having fires, taking walks. We’d gone through most of a box of condoms and the whole box of Fruit Roll Ups. Two of them I used on her, spreading it over her pussy and taking my time devouring the sticky sweet fruit leather while finger-fucking her.