Surprisingly, Gigi told me she loved to fish, too. We talked about how Gigi’s songs might be on the radio by then.

Gigi got sad again that Francie never heard about that great news. Tammy told her that it didn’t matter. That she didn’t need to share that success with other people in order for it to mean something. I agreed.


Gigi was unpacking our suitcase when I got a text.

Deke: Chapel. Half an hour. Need everyone there for a vote. If you can’t make it, call me, I’ll brief you, and get your answer.


“Skip Ford is movin’ back to Sioux Falls,” Deke said at the head of the table. “I still want a vote so that if we vote him out, it’s on the books as part of our history. I want on our books that some of you, maybe even all of you want to make sure this fucker doesn’t come back to this chapter and that the bullshit he was about is not what the rest of us stand for.”

We were all there, save Skip and including Pudge who hadn’t been around but was now looking good after recovering from his gunshot wound.

Every single one of us, save Speedy who was Skip’s best friend, voted him out.

And then when Deke asked if there was any new business, Speedy put in a request for transfer to go back to Sioux Falls. They were best friends, had come up together as prospects.

Speedy was a good guy, even if his loyalty was misplaced. He shook my hand when he left and wished me luck. Seemed sincere about it. I’d hold no ill will toward him.



A bunch of us were at a local pizza place having dinner. My girl had a personal-size gluten-free pizza. She’d had a good first week at her new job, but she was still quiet, still reflective, it seemed.

Lulu the hairdresser showed up with her sister, a foxy redhead who I watched Edge take notice of with a double-take and jaw drop.

“Hey everybody. Um, Bronto, can I talk to you?” Lulu asked, eyes on Bront.

Her sister went to the counter and asked to pick up a call-in order.

“Sure, babe,” he agreed, dropping his napkin and following her outside.

I watched Jojo and Pippa exchange looks.

“What’s up there?” Fork asked.

“You’ll soon find out, I’m sure,” Jojo muttered.

“Clearly, you’re in the know,” Spencer stated, then looked to Pippa at his side. “You know what this is about?”

Pippa rolled her eyes. “These guys are always goin’ on about women gossiping. Look at them, dying to know what’s goin’ on. I think they’re way worse than we are.”

“Totally,” Ella agreed.

“Oh my God,” Gigi exclaimed, looking out the front window of the restaurant to the sidewalk. All heads swung that way.

Bront was on one knee in front of Lulu, holding her hand.

She was shaking her head.

“Oh shit,” I muttered.

Lulu pulled her hand back, said something else that had his shoulders slumping, then she turned and walked away. The poor fucker stared at her back and then his head dropped as he let out what looked like a heavy sigh.

Lulu’s sister hurried out with a pizza box in hand and said something to Bront who got to his feet. She put her hand on his shoulder briefly before getting into the car.

We all watched Bront watch their car pull away from the curb. Then he came back in, shoulders slumped, expression looking like a kicked dog.

“What’s the matter, Teddy?” Jenna asked.

“She’s pregnant,” Bront said, obviously stunned. “Told me she was pregnant, that she’s keeping it. It’s mine. I proposed, but she said no.” He looked about ready to cry.

I shoved my chair back and got to my feet. “Let’s go for a drink, brother. Can one of you on four wheels get my girl home?”

“I’ll take her,” Nolan offered.

I glared at him. “Dude, you’re on your bike.”

“Yeah. I’m a good driver,” Nolan defended.

“I’d let my girl on the back of your bike no more than I’d let her sit on your fuckin’ lap, dough brain.”

“I’ll come with,” Deacon said. “Kitten, bring Gia back to the clubhouse. Wait there for me, yeah?”

Ella nodded, giving Bront a sad smile.

“Where are you guys heading?” Ride asked. “I’ve gotta swing by our place real quick after this but I’ll meet you.”

“I’ll meet you too,” Spence and Fork said in unison.

“Let’s go to The Roadhouse. Then we can all have a beer with Bront,” I suggested. “I’ll cut out with him now.” I pulled out my wallet and dropped a couple of twenties on the table. “Bring me home a few slices, hostage.”

“Okay, baby,” she said.

I dropped a quick kiss on her mouth.

“I’m gonna be a Dad,” Bront said, stunned. “But she won’t marry me.”

“Let’s go, bro. We’ll talk it out.”

Me and Deacon followed him out.


“She said we barely know one another, it’s not the nineteenth century, and she doesn’t need anything from me. But I wanna raise my kid. I had a part-time dad and that sucked. No way I’m doing that to my kid if I can help it.”