The instructor was demonstrating some moves and then had Jenna do a few.

And like Rider had bragged repeatedly, Jenna could work that pole. If my ma were here, she’d try and recruit her to work at the bar.

We were in a hallway with a window into the large room and hadn’t been clocked yet because the girls all sat on floor mats facing the poles with their backs to the window we were peering through. The door to the fitness studio was open and their voices echoed loudly.

The instructor’s phone rang, so she excused herself and stepped into the hall.

“Are you behaving yourselves, gentlemen?” the woman asked in a low voice.

Rider gave her a thumbs up.

She winked at him, obviously knowing who he was.

“Have you guys gotten a load of Bronto lately?” I heard Deanna ask.

Bront looked like he might be sick.

Jenna piped up. "Yep. First, he was all about eating Cheetos. Now, these days, he's becoming quite the snack..."

Bront looked stunned. And then he stood taller, and I could see it went directly to his head.

“I happen to know someone recently had some of The Sex with him. Not sayin’ who but she said it was very, very good,” Pippa said. “Very good.”

“You’re kidding!” Ella exclaimed. “Tell us who.”

“Can’t,” Pippa said. “It’s in the vault.”

“Not sure I wanna hear this,” Deacon muttered.

Bront glared at him and stage-whispered, “Zip it, D.”

“Question for you, Gia.” Sara piped up. “Since you’ve had The Sex with our guys and your guy, how about you rank them best to worst? You fuck Bronto too?”

“For fuck’s sake,” Deacon muttered. “We should put a stop to this.”

“Ouch. Not nice,” Jenna spat. “Don’t even entertain that notion, Gia.”

I could tell by the stance of the other guys, we were ready to intervene any second if need be.

“I haven’t had sex with all of them,” Gigi replied. “Not yours. Or yours. And no, not Bronto either.”

“He’s not my man anymore,” Deanna said softly.

Ella squeezed her friend’s shoulder affectionately.

Jenna asked. “Really? I thought you and Rider had a thing.”

“We fooled around, but never went all the way,” Gigi answered.

“Oh.” Jenna sounded surprised.

Spence jerked his chin up at Ride. Ride shrugged like he had no clue.

“But you’ve had sex with mine?” Pippa asked.

“And mine?” Ella inquired.

Deacon’s eyes closed as he cussed under his breath.

“We need to shut this down,” Spencer muttered, about to head in there.

Ride grabbed his arm and shook his head. “Shh. Let them work it out,” he whispered.

My girl spoke up. “Yeah, eons ago. But it’s not fair to rank them. Not fair to them, not fair to you guys, and sorry, but I just gotta say, Jesse blows them all out of the water.”

Spencer scoffed and I didn’t stop my mouth from splitting open into a wide smile.

Gigi kept talking. “Because I’m in love with him. I’m in love for the first time in my life. And if you’re madly in love with your guy and he feels the same and shows it, I’m guessing he’ll blow anybody else out of the water, too. Because being in love - it’s about more than sex. It’s about connection. With Jesse, there’s this connection I’ve never felt before.”

“Truth,” Jenna put in. “And my man’s peen piercing doesn’t hurt matters.”

“Rider has one too?” Gigi asked.

“Jesse has one, too?” Deanna asked.

“Oh yeah,” Gigi muttered. “And he sure knows how to work it.”

Jenna giggled. “Mm. Yeah. My guy, too.”

“Lucky ducks!” One of the women from the third crew complained.

“Not to mention that beyond being madly in love, nobody before Deacon took the time to figure out what would get me off,” Ella said. “It didn’t matter that I showed my ex repeatedly where the bullseye was. He didn’t care to figure out what to do with it.”

“Dunno,” Deanna stated. “I’ve had sex that wasn’t love that still blew my mind.”

My eyes rolled. I was glad Scott wasn’t here. I caught Bront’s expression, too. He was probably thinking the same. He muttered something under his breath about sex that needs antibiotics, then shot me a look.

“Sex can be good without love, yeah,” Gigi said, “but for me there’s nothing like watching my man come, his eyes looking into mine with love, with … possession. Something happens in his eyes, I swear, if it were a drug, I’d be in big trouble.”

Bront snickered and bumped my shoulder with his.

Ride’s and Spence’s bodies shook with silent laughter and Ride gave me a look that let me know I’d be fed endless amounts of shit for this.

I could see Sara’s profile and it looked like the wind had been knocked out of her sails. Like someone offered her a shit sandwich. She had tried and failed to start an argument between the girls.

The dance instructor walked past us and stepped inside. “I’m sorry about that. Okay, so beyond Jenna, Sabrina, and Sara, any others have experience with a class like this, or are we all beginners here?”