“It’s a little sus that it’s practically the first thing outta your mouth, no?” I fired back.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just a question with that last name and your darker coloring.”

“I’m from a melting pot of cultures. How ‘bout you? You poor white trash?” I fired back. “After all, you’re pasty and we’re standin’ here in a trailer park.”

He laughed. Like it was all a joke, then turned his head to his daughter. “Chip on his shoulder, huh?” He jerked a thumb my way. “So what’re you doin’ here, Lil’ Bit? Haven’t seen ya in forever.”

“I came for Kailey’s boxes. Aunt Francie wants them outta here. What are you doin’ here?” she asked.

I noted there was no exchange of family affection.

“I came to see my sister, of course,” he shrugged. “Changed your hair.”

“Yeah,” she replied, offering nothing further.

“How come?” Grant asked.

“She gave it to her,” I said, jerking my chin toward the aunt.

Grant snickered. “Ah. That makes sense. Wondered what was up with Francie’s ‘do. You go bald, Francie?”

All eyes moved to Francie, who was watching the exchange. Her already hard eyes went harder before she piped up. “I told him I didn’t want him here and yet here he is,” she gestured. And then she looked at me expectantly.

Did she expect me to do something about that? Is that why she called to get us here, hoping I’d run her loser brother off?

“Any word on who did Kailey-Jean in?” Grant asked casually. And then he looked at me.

Gigi went still and the look in her eyes, like she couldn’t believe he’d said that, made me bristle.

“Not officially, though it’s obvious it was the Wyld Jackals MC. Already told you that, Daddy.”

“Word on the street is it was a biker from the Dominion Brotherhood MC,” Grant stated, eyes on me.

“It’s bullshit,” Gigi spat. “Jesse’s with the Doms and I’d never be involved with someone related to Kailey’s murder. God, Dad, how ridiculous can you be?”

“Hooking up with a badass give you a backbone, Lil’ Bit?” he accused, amused.

I was not remotely amused.

“I’m gonna grab those boxes, baby,” I said. “Load ‘em up.”

“Ain’t cha stayin’ for supper?” Grant pushed.

Gigi looked to her aunt. “I didn’t think we were invited for supper.”

“Yeah.” Francie said and lit a cigarette. “Might as well. Why don’t you make some coffee?”

“Forget coffee,” Grant put in. “Why don’t you go on out n’ get us some beers instead?” His eyes were on me.

I lifted my brows, saying nothing.

He smirked. “Shouldn’t you be tryin’ to impress the girlfriend’s father? My day, you met a girl’s daddy you brought him some brewskies and called him sir.”

“Got no reason to impress ya, man,” I muttered.

“No reason to impress me? Guess you’re not all that serious about my daughter then. Hey Gianna?”

Gigi’s mouth went tight. “Dad.”

I kept my eyes on her when I replied, “I’m more serious about your daughter than I have been anybody. Don’t mean I gotta impress someone who used to chain her to a radiator so he could go get tanked.”

His nostrils flared.

“Shit she’s told me; you won’t be walking her down the aisle. And our kids won’t know you,” I added.

“You pregnant?” he asked her.

“Not yet she’s not. But letting you know the lay of the land.”

“Why you got a problem with me, buddy? We just met.”

“Look back at your daughter’s childhood man, look back at her life since she’s been an adult and ask yourself why someone who’s in love with her would have a problem with you. I’m gonna haul those boxes out, babe. You can go wait in the truck if you want.”

Gigi’s eyes bounced to her aunt who asked, “You’re not stayin’ for supper?”

“I’m stayin’,” Grant put his feet up on the coffee table.

“Feet down, Grant,” Francie barked. “And if they ain’t stayin’, you’re not invited. Get goin’, too.”

“Nuh uh, gonna stay a while. Take you to your next appointment. Look after ya. Told you that yesterday.”

Francie looked to the ceiling for answers, then her eyes came to mine. “I don’t want him here.”

“Too bad, sis. I’m not abandoning you in your time of need.”

Her eyes went big, aimed at me.

I loved my girl, but her family was fucked. She hung onto them because she had nobody else. Well, that wasn’t the case any longer. I ignored the obvious hints from Francie and went into the bedroom to grab the boxes. There was a suitcase on the top bunk and looked like Grant had made himself at home.

After I pulled out two of the four boxes in there, I stacked them. This here was why Francie called her niece last night with her hair on fire to get Kailey’s boxes gone. She wanted backup with Grant. Since I’d stepped up to defend Gigi, I knew that’s why Francie’s eyes kept hitting me. She wanted me steppin’ up for her, too. Fat chance.