“I’m goin’ to bed,” Bront muttered.

Nolan looked at me with panic. “What should I do?”

“This shit ain’t my shit,” I said with a shrug. “If Skip were someone I had even a shred of respect for it’d be a different story.”

“Keep your mouth shut and stay away from her,” Bront suggested and then his door shut.

I headed for bed.

“Can’t figure out for the life of me why Skip’d stray havin’ a hot piece like that in his bed,” he mused.

I turned around and said, “If a man cheats, it’s rarely because his woman isn’t enough. Usually, he’s just a dickhead who thinks gettin’ empty pussy means he’s still got it. He doesn’t.”


A Few Weeks Later

It’d been a very eventful couple weeks for the Dominion Brotherhood MC.

First, there was the event that sparked a conversation with me and Deacon that went something like:

“Yo, D?”

“Yeah, man?”

“Don’t generally waste people’s time with stupid questions, but feel like I’ve got no choice.”

“Shoot,” he invited.

“Did I just see Fork kidnap your sister with you watchin’?” I laughed, figuring I had to be wrong, regardless of the fact that’s what it looked like.

“That’s exactly what you saw,” he said casually and went back to the brake job he’d been working on.

I took a minute to process that, giving him time to elaborate. Finally, he looked at me and grinned.

I’m sure my expression was one of shock.

So he explained, “He’s perfect for her. Thinks he’s not good enough. And she’s perfect for him bein’ so strong, from what I could see she wouldn’t let him scare her off. Probably hasn’t stopped tryin’ to convince him he is good enough.”

Despite Deacon’s chill attitude about it, the rest of his family did not react the same way. That was a shit storm and a half that caused a fuckin’ ruckus. Fork’s extreme reaction was evidently down to her pushing his buttons. Tongues wagged about her going on two back-to-back dates, one with a cop, then her being featured scantily clad in a local calendar aimed at bikers and motorcycle enthusiasts. The boys’d had a fit, and not just the ones related to her. There were a lot of pissed off bikers around and that calendar was not to be seen or mentioned on clubhouse grounds. The girl was hot. And that’s what pissed the brothers off most of all. Knowing the club princess was fap fodder for a fuck-ton of bikers was bad enough. That it’d put her under an even bigger spotlight in terms of Jackals radar was even worse. Because they’d already planned to kidnap her, then they did actually get their hands on her. We didn’t want them having a third opportunity.

This meant we went from having people escort her going on dates to seeing Fork snap, kidnap her, and disappear. It was more than obvious the girl dated to get his attention. While Deacon was chill about Fork going gonzo and kidnapping her, Deke, Ride, and Spencer were not. They were all breathing fire, especially Deke, for the next few days until Fork came back to ask Prez for her hand in marriage.

I was not there to witness it, but the way Deacon later told me about it, Fork asked for Jojo’s hand in marriage in the parking lot two seconds after Deke’s fist collided with Fork’s nose.

Gigi was tickled pink that they were getting married, disappointed we couldn’t go to Vegas for the wedding, but I was helping hold down the fort while they were gone and considered it my honor to do so knowing Deke and his sons could enjoy the wedding knowing I had things in hand for the garage.

I brought Nolan into the garage to help me on Friday and though he was annoying as fuck, he wasn’t bullshitting about being pretty good with a wrench.

A week later, the garage and dealership were shutting down for the rally at Sturgis. Some of the brothers were staying back because they didn’t want to leave the clubhouse and Valentine businesses unmanned, and there were enough non-MC employees around to keep things chugging along at Deke’s Roadhouse, so that stayed open.

When I asked Gigi if she wanted to go to Sturgis, she told me she’d gone the year before with her stepsister and the memory of that was gonna curdle in her belly. She suggested I go without her. I had no intentions of doing that and I didn’t mind not going, hearing that Skip and Sara were going.

I didn’t plan to hide from them and didn’t want my girl doing it either, but for the moment, I was enjoying the reprieve from the drama where Sara was concerned. The Nolan/Sara shit managed to stay under radar so far, too, but I wasn’t sure for how long.

Sara hadn’t been around since the night in Deke’s Roadhouse, which allowed my girl the room she needed to feel welcome. The girls paired up with the Valentines had been keeping her included in trips to the bar for lunch, in movie and chat sessions in the back room where they all spent a lot of time, too. Andie the baker and Lulu the hairdresser were also around a lot, too. Gigi got along with them both. I was still braced for any further Sara drama.