When we got to the action in the parking lot, Skip walked past us, giving her a doubletake before his gaze hit me. It had taken a second for the recognition to hit, and he didn’t hide his shock. Her eyes skidded away from him, landing on me.

I pulled her closer. “Ignore him; he doesn’t matter to you.”

Motorcycle pipes rumbled as newcomers arrived from other chapters, other clubs.

She gave me a look of confidence and I felt pride swell, so I took her hand, lifted it high, and twirled her, stopping when her back was to my chest, then kissing and subsequently sucking on the side of her neck, making eye contact with a still-watching Skip. His eyes traveled the length of her and though I felt proprietary about his eyes being on her, it was a necessary evil; I was making a show of ensuring he saw the lettering on her shirt.

As I did that, Skip’s wife came into view, walking in her man’s direction, and then faltering on her spiked heels before she froze, rearing back to take in Gigi.

Sara’s eyes bounced from Gigi to her man, who hadn’t clocked Sara and still watched us, jealousy plain on the man’s face.

As her eyes narrowed on Skip, it dawned that Gigi’s new hairstyle was almost the same as Sara’s, though Skip’s woman was a brunette and Gigi’s was not only a wine color, but also a touch shorter.

“You pick that hairstyle or did Fernanda?” I muttered.

“Hm,” she verbalized, so I turned her to face me, seeing Sara’s eyes landing on her man with question and then anger before she looked away and caught up with Marlena and two women I knew were from Sioux Falls.

“Maybe it’s a good thing if when he looks at me it helps him remember he’s got a wife,” she stated, illustrating she caught my drift.

I threw my head back and laughed. Her eyes sparkled with mischief.

And I felt a whole lotta eyes on us.

“I’ve gotta wash some cars and objectify myself for the cause,” I told her, then pulled my cut off and held it out. “Take care of this for me?”

She took it, looking nervous again.

“You can sniff it if you wanna.”

She face-planted into my chest, laughing.

I stroked her back and said, “Tracy’s over there. Gonna hang with her?”

She nodded, looking over at Tracy with relief.

Tracy did a double take, then shouted, “Hey, girlie! Look at you! Ch-ch-cherry bomb! Right on!”

Gigi waved at Tracy while I pulled my t-shirt off and handed that to her, too. She immediately put her nose to it and then sighed.

I laughed, dropped a kiss on her mouth, then strolled over to the crew of bikers with sponges, squeegees, hoses, and buckets. And there were people snapping pictures. Not just the camera crew.

“The fuck?” I muttered, joining a bunch of the brothers by the front of the line. There were half a dozen of them washing a Hummer filled with four soccer moms who were giggling like teenagers and if I wasn’t mistaken, snapping pictures or taking video of me.

“That Magic Mike strut you just did with all those tatts on display,” Nolan, our new prospect, pointed out, passing me a sponge.

I leveled him with a look that should’ve told him he sounded like an idiot. He didn’t pick up on that, because he went on to say, “You’ll get the attention of the ladies today, for real, brother. I’m gonna take a page outta your book and copy that cock walk. Bag me some honeys.”

“He’s got a lady, dumbass,” Spence told him, then sprayed him with a hose.

Nolan laughed. “The one over there with the peachy ass? Nice, brother.” He raised his hand to high five me and then dropped his hand when he was left hanging.

“Don’t talk about my girl’s ass, prospect,” I warned. “And I best not catch your eyes on it.”

“Don’t worry, got my eyes on that one,” he pointed toward a purple Harley where Deke’s daughter Jojo stood. Jojo was stacked. Gorgeous. And a hundred percent off limits.

Bront winced at that remark, about to speak up, when Spencer leaned in.

“Get your fuckin’ beady eyes off my little sister, dickwad.”

Nolan’s eyes went wide as he jolted. “Oh shit,” he muttered.

“Yeah. I’ll say,” Deacon warned, throwing a wet sponge at him. “Wash some fuckin’ cars and keep your eyes off her.”

“Pity the poor fucker that tries,” Scott said, low.

I looked over at Jojo and saw she moved over to my girl and Tracy. She hugged Gigi and was touching her hair. And a minute later, though she was talking to them, she had her eyes on Fork, who was squeegeeing the passenger windows of the Hummer we were on.

“Looks like she’s got someone in her sights,” Nolan then said.

Hearing what Nolan just said, Fork’s eyes bounced toward Jojo, and they made eye contact.