I was guessing that because he drives for Dominion Moving and Storage he decided to stow his motorcycle in the back of the truck today so he could ride back with Edge. Doing a solid. Booking a room but heading out with Edge instead. Being a brother. But if he continued shooting me the looks behind my back and acting like a little bitch, complaining about me to the brothers like I was sure he was doing earlier with Axel, we’d have to have it out in a way where he’d get my message.

I wasn’t a grunt. Even if I were a prospect, the bullshit he was pulling was something I’d have done something about. I still didn’t know the whole history of him and Gianna, but I didn’t like the way it was looking, what my gut was telling me about it. Not only was he crossing lines, but he was also doing shit that would continue to buy her hassles with his wife. And she gave every indication she wanted no part of any of it and never did. Why was he being so relentless about getting her alone?


Axel was in the midst of bitching about his woman’s parents giving her a hard time over the planning of their upcoming wedding when a noise chimed from the inside pocket of my leather. Ax was talking about the fact it’d probably be a clubhouse wedding instead of a church one and his girl’s heart was a little mashed over it. Axel’s mixed race, his Black father Ben is VP in Rapid City. His girl comes from racist WASP stock, and she wants her folks to step into the twenty-first century. Ax is losing patience with them. Not because he gives a shit about what they think of him, because it’s hurting Leah.

“Have it at our church,” Rudy invited.

“Is it Pentecostal? Baptist?” Axel asked.

“Non-denominational Christian. Independent. I’ll set up a meeting for you with the pastor. She’s good friends with my missus.”

I wasn’t surprised Rudy and Delia attended church. He was no less wild than the rest of his club, his original road name being “Rude” that eventually changing to Rudy somehow, but the man had that Dog The Bounty Hunter vibe at times. You’d hear him cuss his brains out one minute and then he’d be the one to start a prayer circle. He did that for Jojo Valentine when it was reported she was in the hospital after the Jackals ran her and Lick Hanson off the road. Club parties with families, the man led grace before meals. He wasn’t in everyone’s face with religion, but you knew he had strong faith.

Not all chapters have chaplains, either. Pudge was ours. The mother charter had one, too. Deke didn’t seem religious, but he welcomed Pudge taking on that role. Pudge found religion in the joint, though he was still about freedom, partying, and speaking his mind with colorful language. And Pudge didn’t shove religion down throats, either.

More noise chimed and when I lifted Gigi’s phone out to see what it was, I saw the preview of a Facebook message.

Skip Ford: Need to talk. Open the door. I know you’re in there.

I looked over my shoulder and scanned the space. He wasn’t here any longer. Don’t know when he slithered out of here, but the fucker figured I was otherwise occupied.

She replied. She must have loaded Facebook on her new phone.

I’m not feeling good. I’m trying to just get some sleep. Bad day.

Skip: 5 minutes. Open the door. You don’t want to ignore me Gianna. I need assurances that ancient history is staying in the past.

I made my exit and did it fast, working my way down the series of hallways until I saw him at the door.

“Oi!” I clipped. “You wanna explain to me why you’re again banging on this door?”

He cussed under his breath. “Christ sakes.”

“Lookin’ pretty pathetic about now, Skippy.”

He fuckin’ hated being called Skippy, everyone knew it.

His eyes narrowed. “I need five minutes to talk to her about something important, but you keep blocking that, so I took the opportunity while I could. What can I say, I’m resourceful.” He threw me a cocky smirk.

Greasy fucker.

“Fine. Deal with your ancient history,” I invited, then unlocked and opened the door, peeking in first and seeing she was in bed, eyes on me. I threw the door wider. “Say what you need to say.”

Skip wanted to rip my head off.

Gigi looked like she wanted to throw up.

“What business do you have with my girl?” I demanded, stepping inside, purposely between her and him, but positioned so I could see them both.

And I watched her eyes flash as color drained from her face.

Footsteps approached and two prospects were walking by, Ducky trailing behind them and peering in with curiosity.

“Forget it,” Skip muttered. He threw his hands up in the air and didn’t look at her. “Can see how it is now, didn’t take it seriously even with what Deke said, but see you’re serious so I’m done. Don’t want no more drama. No drama, Gia, okay? Leave the past in the past. Let’s all move on.”