We needed to come to town for her to talk to people in her family, to talk to the cops, and Deke wanted me to have escorts while in town with her. While we were at it, I’d attend the joint chapter church in person here, so figured we’d stay the night.

“So fuckin’ sorry, sweetheart,” Edge said into her hair. “You know it wasn’t me. You know it, right?”

“Of course I know it,” she whimpered. “Nobody’d think that. Nobody.”

He stroked her hair and squeezed her tighter. “So sorry, sweets. I had no use for her, you know it after all the bullshit, but you don’t deserve this pain. I know this pain. God knows I fuckin’ know it too well.”

“Nobody’s gonna think it was you,” she muttered, burying her face into his chest.

“Okay, babe,” he said and dropped a kiss on her mouth, then looked into her eyes. I saw the demons dancing in Edge’s eyes, could only imagine the depths of the brother’s pain, and I was sure my estimation was nowhere near how bad it really was. But I also couldn’t help but grind my molars at his putting his mouth on her, at her wrapping herself so tight around him.

“I’m really fuckin’ sorry the way I left you hangin’. I wasn’t in the right space, I…”

“It’s okay,” she whispered, putting her hand to his cheek. “I get it. I got it then, too.”

I got out of my truck, rounded the hood and as I was heading for them, I held his gaze. His expression changed. He read me. His eyes flashed, then he jerked his chin up and extended his right hand to me. I clasped it with mine and he pulled me into the hug. I slapped his back and put my mouth to her temple. He nodded, turning her toward me, stepping back, illustrating his understanding.

As I wrapped my other arm around her, she looked up at me and went a little stiff.

I kissed her temple again and looked to Edge, not letting go of her. “Glad you’re out, brother,” I said.

“Yeah. Me too. Believe you fuckin’ me. Had to get permission from the cops to head to Aberdeen. Told ‘em I was already planning’ to relocate. Decided that on the fly, ‘cuz I need to be nearer to that active Jackal situation, which is much more active in Aberdeen than here, what happened yesterday not withstandin’. Not a shock since those fuckers would obviously target a chapter with fewer members for their comeback.”

“So you’re not still a suspect?” Gigi asked.

“They just want access to me in case they need more questions answered.” He shrugged. “Pretty sure they know the score, but they’ve gotta follow protocol. They know. Everyone does. It’s just a matter of time before this gets over the old-fashioned way.”

“What’s that mean?” she asked.

“As soon as I find him, I make him pay. For Jet. For all their bullshit. For Kailey, too on your behalf. He’s payin’ for all of it.”

“She-” Gigi started.

“I know, babe.” He laid a hand on her shoulder. “You don’t gotta explain it to me. This is me you’re talkin’ to. Remember?”

She pulled her lips tight and gave him a little nod.

He looked at me. “We go back a couple years, me ‘n Gia. Lotta time bendin’ one another’s ears. Gave one another a sort of… therapy.”

“Cool,” was my reply.

Gigi’s eyes bounced between us with her brows furrowed. She appeared to physically shake it off as the mother charter prez Rudy and his wife Delia approached.

Delia physically took Gigi from me, pulling her into a hug.

“Oh baby girl,” she cooed before ushering her inside with her arm around her.

The way Delia looks after everybody reminds me of my own ma.

Another girl surfaced in the doorway to merge with them, a redhead I’d seen around a few of the parties here and I’d seen her with a few different brothers so surmised she was a sweet butt. That girl also put her arm around Gigi who was then out of my sight as Rudy closed in for a huddle with me and Edge.

“You goin’ home tonight, brother?” Rudy asked. “If so, you and Edge can convoy with a coupla brothers. Or, if you’re headin’ back to Deke’s cabin, we can see you there.”

“If it’s cool, we’ll stay here tonight and head back to Deke’s cabin tomorrow.”

“Whatever you need, Jesse. I’ll ask Cordelia to sort rooms.”

“One room,” I corrected.

“You got it. I’ll tell her,” Rudy replied with a smile.

I’d spoken to Deke when I got up and he gave me the rundown of the situation, including asking me to keep her with me at the cabin for a while longer since they were now putting family members under curfew.

He explained that emotions were running high, so flames didn’t need to be fanned with her presence in case any of the women connected her with the curfew. This pissed me off; Deke was talking about Sara. I was already sick of Skip’s woman’s attitude about Gigi and muttered that maybe the flames should be fanned, and everyone told that Gigi’s tip to us probably saved some lives.