Edge has had a longstanding ugly beef with Mantis, their fathers being presidents from each club, and now Mantis was behind having him arrested on suspicion of murder after being behind the rape and murder of Jet months ago. These fuckers not only didn’t care who they hurt; they went out of their way to dole out maximum harm.

Deacon answered, “She was found outside, naked, bruises around her throat. Staged like Jet, though not sure if names were carved on her. Called Brice after the cops arrested Edge and he did some asking but we’re still waiting on details.”

“Fuck,” I clipped.

“She was in rough shape. Track marks. Scrawny,” Deacon added. “Obviously strung out for a while. Ride says she liked to get high but said he didn’t think she was that far gone.”

“A lot can change in a year,” Rider put in, “But she didn’t seem strung out when that video happened. She was all there.” He tapped his temple.

“What’s gonna happen with Edge?” I asked.

“Rudy sent his lawyer over already. Edge has an alibi,” Spence confirmed. “Airtight one.”

“Alec Wylde had his lawyer file a missing persons’ report for Mantis yesterday even though he’s inside. Despite the fact that Mantis has been in hidin’ for months,” Rider put in. “Framed Edge, plus Kailey was found wearin’ Alec’s dead wife’s engagement ring, makin’ it seem like Kailey was Mantis’s fiancée.”

“Fiancée?” I scoffed.

“Yeah,” Spence said, “When he’s been hiding for months, wanted for questioning by the cops, not to mention a couple months back it was spread far ‘n wide that Kailey was supposed to be the old lady of that grunt Jackal Costner.” He rolled his eyes.

Costner was a dead Jackal whose murder they tried and failed to frame us for.

Spence went on, “Another casualty of their fuckin’ war. Now she just happens to be found dead wearin’ Mantis’s mother’s ring?”

“At least the intel Gigi gave us has your girl, your sister, and Blow’s piece safe,” I said.

“Gigi,” Spencer repeated.

I said nothing.

“You two?” Deacon piped up. “You two a thing or just…”

I nodded. “It’s a thing.”

Deacon stared at me a beat before stating, “Cool.”

“Serious?” Spence asked.

“It’s new, but I like where it’s at so far.”

“No, I mean, are you sure about that, bro?” Spence pushed. “She’s-”

The flex of my jaw muscles while staring into his eyes stopped him mid-sentence.

His body language changed, and he raised his hands defensively. “Scratch that.” He reached for my hand. “What I meant to say was congrats. She’s a sweet girl, just like I told you when you asked.”

I gave him a long look before I took his hand.

Yeah, he’s a brother, but that better be the first and last time he reacts that way where she’s concerned, especially considering her coming to us saved not only his sister but also the woman he just claimed.

“She’s beautiful, brother.” Rider clapped my back. “Startin’ somethin’ new amid trauma and drama can make things tough. Hope it works out for you two like it did me and Jenna. Minus the bullets. And the fightin’ it. My woman put up a good fight.”

“Yeah, because you pissed her off callin’ her a dead lay,” Spencer put in.

Rider snickered.

“You didn’t,” I muttered.

Rider lifted his hands defensively. “Not that I recommend it, but throwin’ that out there made her work hard to prove me wrong. Real hard.” He grinned. And then he sobered, glancing at the house, as if remembering the bad news just delivered. “Anyway, hope it goes well with Gia. I’d like to talk to her. Apologize for bannin’ her from the clubhouses. It’s just…” He raked his hand through his hair.

I slapped his arm. “You were playin’ it safe. She gets that. You can tell her at the next club party. When all this shit’s in the past, probably. And thanks, man. Or, are you guys stayin’ here tonight?”

“Nah,” Deacon replied, “We gotta get back for church. Couple of us went down there and the rest are headed back home. We took the detour here to bring the news, didn’t wanna deliver it by phone. You want me to dial you in later?”

“If you need me to, yeah. If you can manage without me, I think she’s gonna need me tonight. You’ve got my proxy if there’s anything to vote on. I’m sure you get where I’m at with all this.”

“Absolutely,” Deacon declared.

“You do need me, call me,” I added.

“We’ll be all right,” Spence waved. “Call one of us tomorrow to get brought up to speed. Word is there’s probably gonna be a joint Sioux Falls /Aberdeen church again tomorrow night. We’ll get on the phone with the mother charter. Dial in for that if you can.”

“Sounds good,” I said.

Rider gave me a shoulder bump. Spencer shook my hand. Deacon and I bumped fists. And then they got on their bikes and left.