I bristled. That video was the kindling for a shitstorm. That video cost the club a brother. And it almost cost the Valentines their princess, Jojo. The video was a setup, edited to make it look like a rape. What it was, was a drunken orgy, consensual group sex where the bitch asked for it, propositioned the group of brothers, and told them it was her birthday, that she wanted her present to be some consensual non-consent role play. She never safed out. They had a lengthy pow wow setting parameters and safe words as well as hand signals ahead of it. But there was a hidden camera, and someone heavily edited it. Word on the street several weeks later was that they raped her. The tape was mass-shared and then the misinformation was shared along with it, stating the girl on the video was a Jackals old lady, so of course this meant our enemies took license to come after us for revenge. They worked with that chick to stage the whole thing. It was all about having reason to come after us.

“The gash slipped intel to Gia that some of our girls are marked targets, particularly my daughter, Spency’s new girl, and Blow’s new main squeeze, can’t remember her name.”

“Marlena,” I put in.

Great rack. Pretty eyes. Way too good for the likes of Sean “Blow” O’Grady. I was tight with most of the club brothers, but something about Blow never added up for me. He wasn’t VP material. I wasn’t the only brother who thought so; Deke’s oldest son Deacon told me on the side that Blow saved the life of the mother charter president’s wife years ago, so without saying it, I knew Deacon was telling me Blow held that position on account of the soft spot the mother charter prez had for him.

Deke went on, “Right. Gia drove through the night to let us know what was up. But also, she’s scared. She’s been around long enough I think she hoped I’d offer her shelter. And I did. Thought she might be persona non grata on account of her stepsister, was worried we wouldn’t trust her, but gut tells me she’s on the level. Gia’s a good girl. She’s been hangin’ around for a couple years. Everyone likes her, even Delia and Delia is selective about the bunnies. You’re gonna have to watch things don’t go nuclear with the old ladies, though. She’s got history with a few brothers, particularly with Skip. Don’t know much about it, don’t concern myself with that shit but do know from Spency just now that Sara gets her claws out around any or all bunnies, but has a real hate on for this particular sweet butt.”

“Got it. Where should I put her? Empty room across from Ride’s?”

He shook his head. “Bringin’ Brady back with us and that’ll be his. Plus, you know how some of the brothers get about lendin’ out their space. That room in the mouth of the hall on the same side as yours is goin’ to Joelle. She ain’t stayin’ in New York after this shit. I’ve already given her orders not to leave the place she’s at until armed security gets there to get her to get to the airport in Sioux Falls this afternoon.”

“Don’t blame ya, Prez. Those fuckers are not to be underestimated.”

“Bingo. Anyway, coupla other rooms are empty but they’ve got no beds in ‘em yet. Prefer to have Gia under lock ‘n key, anyway. Stakes are too high. Want no chances taken Jackals can get ahold of her and retaliate if they figure out she warned us.”

“So, guess she’s not on the couch in the back room?”

Deke shook his head. “’Fraid not. Too volatile if brothers are around with their women and don’t want her dealing with bastards getting’ handsy all liquored up while she’s tryin’ to sleep. Happen to know that shit happened to her at the mother charter clubhouse so don’t want her dealin’ again. You’re gonna have to keep her in your room. With you.” He waited for my reaction.

I didn’t give him one.

“Gonna be a problem?” he pressed. “I figure you’re single, but the way everyone’s been droppin’ like flies around here, myself included, I shouldn’t assume you’re not in deep with somebody.”

“I’m not,” I assured.

“So you’re all right with it? Know it’s a tight fit in that room.”

“I’ll deal.”

“Right. I not only chose you because you’re on clubhouse duty this weekend, and not only since I figured you’re single, I also reckon you’re a good choice ‘cause you’ve got your head on straight and you’re gonna look out for her as well as watch to make absolute sure she’s on the up ‘n up.” He cocked an eyebrow with meaning.

He wants her safe in thanks for her warning us, but also wants her watched in case she’s got other motives.