Her eyes lit up. “I think I know which ones you’re talking about.”

“Anyway, I better get up there.” He gestured to the stage where his band was setting up and one of the members was pointedly looking at him as if to tell him to get his ass on stage.

“I’ll find you after?”

“Okay,” she said with a smile and gave him a wave.

Chase smiled, amused with her before he headed for the stage. My girl downed the rest of her drink while holding my eyes.

I dropped a kiss on her mouth as soon as the glass was out of the way. “Can you believe this, baby?”

“Nope. But please don’t wake me up. Unless the song sounds really bad when they sing it, then wake me up and hope I forget what I dreamt.”

I laughed and pulled her closer.

“You were fucking awesome!” Ella shouted from across the bar.

Gigi held up her empty glass.

Coco exchanged it for a full one.


The first song AbstractED played was the song. I knew by her face, by the look of wonder as she watched them perform something she created. She listened with her fingers steepled over her mouth. Chase had pointed her out to his bandmates as they started and every one of them either waved or gave her a big smile. They then did a few of their own songs, a couple covers they’d played here last time, and then finished the set with a song that I knew by watching her openly cry with the biggest smile on her face that this was her other one.

People danced and swayed to the music. People clapped. And my girl cried silent, pretty tears with joy on her face.

And after their set was over, they all came over to meet her one by one.

She was drunk, giddy, and hanging onto me for dear life.

“Those songs sounded awesome, baby,” I told her.

“They did, didn’t they?” she agreed. “I only had the guitar parts, but the other instruments they added, they made them sound so good.”

“They did. You should tell everyone. You should shout it from the fuckin’ rooftops that those were your songs.”

“Which song? What?” Jojo asked, approaching us.

“The first one they played. Gianna wrote it,” I informed. “And the last one.”

Jojo’s mouth dropped open. “You’re kidding. That’s incredible. Wait. What? How?”

“Long story. Tell ya tomorrow when I’m not forty sheets to the wind,” Gigi said.

Jojo laughed.

“That last song is gonna be a hit. The first one too, I think,” Jojo said.

“I need another shooter. You want a shooter, Jojo?” Gigi asked, signaling Coco.

“No. Not indulging tonight, Gia,” Jojo shook her head. “In fact, now that the band’s done, I need to make an announcement. Hey, Superman!” she called, hands cupping her mouth.

Fork turned from the table he was at to face her and smiled.

She jerked a thumb toward the stage.

A minute later, they got up and Fork drunkenly told everyone that they were expecting a baby. And though I hadn’t known Fork long, I’d never seen the guy look happier.


She rolled me to get on top, losing my cock, so grabbed it and slammed her hips back down as she got me inside.

“Oh yeah, baby,” she groaned. I grabbed her hips and watched the hot-as-sin show. She rode me hard until I came with a roar.

Tangled up together, she wrapped her arms around my neck.

“Kailey did this for me,” she whispered, and then her body bucked as she began bawling.

“What’s this?” I asked, still drifting back down from the high.

“Where are those boxes I left in your old room?”

“All of us who wanted, got a cage in one of the outbuildings for storage. I put ‘em there.”

“Good. Before I left, the night Blow was killed, I peeked into those boxes. Two of them were filled with old journals of mine. Journals I’d thought I lost forever when Aunt Francie told me she threw them in the trash because they were takin’ up too much room. Kailey must’ve brought them back in and hid them.”


She nodded and wiped her eyes.

“Wondered what you meant when you told Chase and Jeremy that you had about a dozen books filled with lyrics.”

She nodded again and sniffled.

It was after four in the morning, and we’d finally got to bed after partying with the band in the small lounge above the bar, which Deke told us to use so Gigi could talk to them about opportunities. A few other people joined in after that conversation and that party might still be going.

It was decided they would meet up after their tour to talk about Gigi’s songs and to sit and go through her catalogue. They were going to have her flown to Los Angeles for a weekend. When she told them she had at least a dozen books filled with songs as well as a private online blog where she’d record herself on her phone when she was playing, I wondered where those books were. Now I knew.