“Skip knows what he did. Don’t you, you fuckin’ cockroach?” Scott yelled.

Skip laughed, wiping blood from his lip. “Yeah. Stretched her out good for ya brother, didn’t I?”

“And gave us both a goddamn disease!” Scott shouted, trying to break free of Brady’s hold. No dice. Brady had a tight grip on him.

“You’re all pullin’ this shit in the bar? You boys know fuckin’ better,” Deke said. “Chapel. Now.”

The three of them followed Deke.

“You chuckleheads, too,” Prez called back to me, Bront, Deacon, and Brady. And he did it with zero humor.


“What the fuck?” Deke demanded inside the chapel.

“He fucked around with my wife,” Skip defended.

Nolan threw his hands up, “She jumped me while I was driving her home after she caused a scene in Deke’s Roadhouse. I couldn’t pry her mouth off and chance wiping us both out.”

Skip growled.

“Skip fucked my girlfriend and gave her an STD,” Scott stated. “which meant I got it and had to go to the goddamn doctor for it.”

“How do you know she didn’t give it to me?” Skip said cockily.

“There is the fact you’ve given that same STD to your wife twice,” I interjected.

Skip’s nostrils flared as he stared at me. “How about you mind your own business?”

“Yeah? How ‘bout I mind my business? You want me to do that, Skippy?”

Skip’s nostrils flared.

“Let’s stick to the matter at hand,” Deke put in. “You got issues Jesse, we’ll deal with those next.”

“No issues here now,” I stated. “We’ll see if it stays that way.”

“You can fuck off,” Skip snapped.

I laughed.

Deke pounded his fist on the table. “Jesse? Shut it. You’ll get your turn if you need it.”

I lifted my hands up defensively.

Deke looked at Scott and Skip. “You brothers forget the rules about workin’ out your beefs outside my fuckin’ place of business? This shit better not happen again. You hear me? You all know the protocol for this shit. You can’t work it out, call one another into the ring. That’s not enough, kangaroo court. Get me?”

“Yeah, Prez,” Scoot said.

“This ain’t new shit, boys. And Skip, you know better than this. You been patched what, eight, nine years?”

“Sorry, Prez. I saw red.”

“Get the fuck outta here, you shitheads.” He threw a hand toward the door.

When we got outside, Skip stopped and looked at Scott.

“Scooter, my apologies. Like to put this behind us.”

Scott growled. “Whatever, man. I’m done with her anyway.”

“Us too, Skip?” Nolan asked.

Skip leaned in toward Nolan, whose left eye was the size of a golf ball. “You get near my wife again, I’ll fuckin’ kill ya,” Skip threatened.

“I didn’t get near her. She got near me, brother.”

“Either way,” Skip told him, then stomped ahead and left the compound.

Brady followed. Nolan got close to me, Scott, Bronto, and Deacon and asked, “Could she have given me the STD with her mouth?”

“Not an expert on VD, prospect,” Deacon stated.

“She didn’t have it when she was with you, Nolan,” I stated. “You got any strange symptoms?”

He blew out a relieved breath. “No. Just checkin’. I’ll be keepin’ my distance though. That bitch gave me the best blowjob of my life, but she’s a little scary.”

“She told me she’s leavin’ his ass,” I said. ”Probably won’t be hard to steer clear.”

I clapped Scott on the back. “Sorry brother. I’m here for ya.”

“Thanks, Jess,” Scott mumbled.

I went up to my room to lose myself in a book and count down the hours until my girl was back.


I did a double take when my girl walked toward me in the airport.

She was blonde again.

She ran for me and jumped into my arms.

My fingers tangled in her hair as I kissed her.

“Love it,” I said, examining the strands. “Love you.”

I took in cotton candy. Citrus. And the taste of the woman I loved.

“I love you, too. God, I’ve missed you.”

She went to get to her feet but my grip on her ass tightened.

“Stay right where you are, hostage” I ordered, grabbing the handle of her rolling suitcase. We left, her wrapped around me like a baby koala bear.

I put her into my passenger seat and then drove her to the compound.


She was taking in the look of the new hall, which was lodge-like. And it was bustling with people. She saw it briefly the day she came back for her bag to pack for heading to Halifax, but now everything was done.

Right now there were bikers and their women parked on couches and at the bar that ran along one wall. She waved and returned the greetings she got.

“Welcome home. Love your hair,” came from Jojo, who was on Fork’s lap on a couch.

“Thanks!” Gigi said.

“How’s your aunt doing?” Jojo asked.

“Not bad. She’s up there too. She’s taking it day by day.”

“We need to do a catch-up,” Jojo added.


“Later,” I put in, eyes on Jojo. “Much later.”

Fork threw his head back and laughed.