“Gimme five minutes to confirm. I’ll meet you inside.”

Scott tried to push for an answer, for who I suspected it was. Reluctantly, he went inside to give me five.

I called Ella and got her to give me Sara’s phone number. And then I gave her a call. I knew she’d gotten back a week and a half ago from her parents’ place.


“Jesse Garcia here, Sara. Can you talk for a sec?”

“One second; I’ll step outside.”

I heard the click of her heels and then she said, “What’s up?”

“Your man bring home that STD again?”

“Why do you ask? She give it to you?”

“No. Someone else in the club got it from their girl. It’s the same infection you said he gave you twice, so I’m checking in case it was him that gave it to her. If so, the brother deserves to know where it came from.”

“I haven’t let that asshole touch me since the last time he gave it to me. Dunno if he got treatment or not. Let me call you back. I’ll find out. Who was it?”

“Not gonna answer that loaded question, Sara.”

“Know what? Doesn’t matter. If this is what I think it is, this is the end of the road. I’ll call you back.”

“Appreciate it.”

I went inside and found the boys at the bar. They’d ordered me a beer.

“I might know who it was. I’ll let you know soon,” I told Scott.

“Yeah?” he asked, fire in his eyes.

“Stay tuned,” I said.

“You’re gonna leave us hangin’ like this?” Bront asked.

“’Fraid so,” I answered. “We’ll know soon enough though.”

Two hours later, we were at Deke’s Roadhouse after deciding we didn’t wanna keep spending money at the competition. Better the money land in Deke’s pockets.

Scott was angry, drinking club soda, and eyeballing every unattached female in the place, bitching that he needed to give those meds time to work before he could drink his face off, hook up with someone, and forget Deanna exists.

My phone buzzed against my thigh. A text from an unsaved contact.

Yep. The dumbass has it again. Or still. Don’t know, don’t care. I don’t even want to know who he gave it to. I’m done. He and I are over. But fair warning, tell Nolan I doxed him. I did not tell Skip we talked about this so you’re off the hook.

I couldn’t give a shit about being on a hook with Skip. Scott deserved to know who fucked his woman even though all this would cause a major fucking shitstorm.

I got another text from Sara.

BTW, feel free to spread the information that the minute I got home after blowing that prospect, I brushed my teeth with Skip’s toothbrush.

I’d find that shit funny later. First, I needed to talk to Scott. Then Nolan.


“Payback for my sayin’ what I said alluding to you having a bigger prick than him,” Scott muttered.

“You think?” Bront asked.

“I’d put money on it,” Scott said.

“Who the fuck lets themself get the same sex disease three times?” Bront muttered.

“No kidding,” I replied. “Hope his cock falls off.”

“Though Dee let it happen and then fucked me after bein’ with him, so while she was bitchin’ about not liking where things were at with us, was doing that gonna fix it? If she wanted to move on, she should’ve ended it with me, then moved on. Or at the very least not fucked me again after fuckin’ someone else. Though if she let me move on, she’d have to find a new babysitter. Someone else to keep opening his wallet. Bought Timmy’s back-to-school clothes and shoes for both of the boys a few weeks ago. Paying her rent and buyin’ the food most of the time so she’s got extra for the boys.” He slammed his fist on the bar top. “Fuck her.”

Then he turned and watched Skip walk in. “And fuck him.” He got up.

“Shit,” Bront muttered.

“Yo!” Scott bellowed.

Skip didn’t even flinch, he was on his own mission, making his way toward Nolan, who I’d been just about to warn. But too late, because Skip got to Nolan at the bar and his fist connected with Nolan’s face, the force sending Nolan down like timber.

“I said yo,” Scott shouted.

Skip turned and Scott hauled off and hit him in the face, sending him backwards until he tripped over Nolan’s prone body.

“The fuck?” Deke called out and immediately as Skip got to his feet, Scott went toward him again, but Brady grabbed Scott and Deacon got between him and Skip, backing Skip up.

Nolan started to rouse and looked around like he didn’t know where he was or what the fuck was going on.

“Explain!” Prez demanded.

“Nolan knows what he did. Don’t ya, you little fuck? Fuckin’ around with my wife? I’m gonna end you.”

Multiple hisses were heard in the crowded bar.

“Why’d you hit Skip, Scoot? Defendin’ Nole?” Brady asked.