I looked at the clock on the wall. “Let’s go hit The Roadhouse for a beer.”

“Somewhere else,” he fired back.

“All right,” I said and wiped my hands on a rag. “Gimme five to grab a quick shower. Yeah? Or no? Too long?”

“Yeah, g’head,” he muttered and followed me through the gates to The Hall.

“Sure?” I checked.

He nodded.

“I’ll be quick, man.”

We were completely moved in now. The space above The Roadhouse was now split up. Our old front lounge and kitchen were now available for rent for parties and other events. The bedrooms were spares for visiting bikers with a few walls knocked down to make a kitchenette in the back and expand the smaller lounge. Prez was gonna have another set of bathrooms put up front, too.

Fork’s father had died, suicide by cop. This was after a whack of drama with him and Fork’s mother. Other than that, things had been quiet with the Wyld Jackals. They hadn’t been back to their hideout. They were wanted by the cops for Blow’s murder among their many other crimes. Local security footage showed Kylo had fired the shot that killed Blow. Sarge was wanted for attempting to murder Pudge. The four were wanted for kidnapping Marlena. Three for raping her. Sarge was the only one that didn’t.

Our trail cams at their hideouts had picked up nothing, but we weren’t surprised they hadn’t been back. They were wanted by the cops, but they might not have figured out the cartel had picked up the guns. We were watching and nobody had tripped any cameras at that house or barn.

We were living, but carefully.

Marlena was still staying with us, but rarely came out of the room that she was in. The VP suite (a small bachelor apartment setup with private bathroom and kitchenette) had been assigned to Blow and Edge wasn’t pushing to take over, giving her time there instead.

I now knew she’d split with Blow after finding out he was cheating and he wasn’t happy about her ending things, was trying to get her back. The night they’d lured him to her place they’d made it seem like she wanted to make up via a text message that’d been sent. That’s how they got him there for the ambush.

I’d told my girl that I didn’t want her sharing where she was or why with anybody. Wanted her to be extra safe. And we decided we’d use the text coding system she’d come up with and used with her stepsister, so I’d know if any texts coming from her were really from her.

We only said she was staying with family in the Halifax area to a select few, but she was coming home tomorrow because she needed to start her new job at the senior’s home in a few days.

Francie was doing well with her friend. My girl would be home in time for tomorrow’s party to celebrate the life of Sean “Blow” O’Grady. The mother charter would be bringing Blow’s ashes here with them. Deke’s Roadhouse was closed to the public for the night, and it would be a full house.

After my shower, I found Scott at the bar in the hall with Bront. Bront was bitching that Lulu was still ghosting him. He wanted more where their night together came from.

I jumped in Scott’s car with him to go for that beer. Bront came with us.

Once we parked, but before we went out to go into the bar, I said, “You wanna have a few, I’ll drive back.”

Scott spoke up. “Can’t drink tonight. Deanna gave me an STD. I ended things with her an hour ago.”

“Fuck,” Bront grumbled from the backseat. “An STD?”

“Was burnin’ when I took a piss. Didn’t know what the fuck, so I went to the doctor. Tricho-something. Whatever that is. Fuckin’ fumin’. Doc gave me prescription for a mitt of pills to down at once and said that’d be the end of it. Can’t drink for 24 hours afterwards so you guys can drink but I’ll be sippin’ soda.”

“Shit,” Bront muttered.

“Yeah,” Scott said. “So, she cheated on me again and said it wasn’t with her ex this time, it was someone else. She wouldn’t tell me who only complained it was because someone else made her feel seen. He can see her all he wants with his burning, oozing pecker. Cuz this sucker is done.”

“That’s rough, brother,” Bront said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “But you tried. You forgave her last time and tried. This shit is all on her, not you, Scoot.”

“I know. Gonna miss those boys,” Scott muttered.

“She’s the idiot, man,” Bront added.

Scott looked at me.

“Meet you guys inside. Gotta make a call,” I said.

Scott gave me an odd look.

“I might know who it was she fucked. You wanna know?”

“Of course I wanna know,” Scott growled.