“Deal,” Deke clipped.

“And then after that…”

“Not negotiating anything about the after,” Deke told him. “Not tonight.”

“Get out then,” Sarge stated. “Cease fire for tonight on both sides. One bullet flies, she’s dead.”

“She dies, so do every fuckin’ one of you,” Deke cautioned, eyes stone-cold.

“Ain’t you guys sweet,” Kylo lamented. “Heard all about you heroes. This gash must be worth somethin’.”

“You sick fucks should be put down. Unlike you, we won’t sacrifice innocents for the cause,” Fork stated.

“Two prospects lyin’ in the dirt out there say different, boy,” Wild Will stated.

“Big difference between choosing to be an outlaw guarding a rape with AR15s and being an innocent bystander, you waste of space,” Fork put in.

Wild Will scoffed. “Shoulda wasted that shot of jizz on your mother’s face instead of puttin’ it in her cunt resultin’ in you, boy.”

The blond meth head laughed in hysterics.

Deke and Sarge stared at one another for a solid thirty seconds without blinking before Sarge lost the stare-down.

“Let us out of here and we’ll hand her over,” Sarge offered.

“Back out, boys,” Deke stated, and we all backed out of the shed one by one, still holding our weapons. Their weapons were still pointed our way.

Deke was the last to leave.

“Hold your fire!” Deke called loudly to the brothers outside, “But keep your weapons aimed at this shed and the fuckers comin’ out of it. They’ve got her and if anything happens to her, they all die.”

Kylo walked her out by a handful of her long, dark hair, a gun against her temple. She could barely walk. It was a half-drag. And the poor fucking girl was naked.

Our guns stayed aimed at them while the other Jackals came out, guns aimed at us. One by one, they got into their van until it was just Kylo and Marlena outside.

He backed into the passenger seat and threw her to the ground. She crumpled and turtled, covering her head while they drove away slowly for twenty or thirty feet before they gunned it and fishtailed out.

Immediately, Justice was jogging her way, pulling his sweatshirt off, then crouching and putting it over her head.

The girl was bawling hard as he cooed to her, pulling her arms through the armholes. He lifted her and carried her toward where our two vans and two cars were parked. He got into the back seat of one of the cars with her. Skip jumped into the driver’s seat as the rest of us piled into the other vehicles and got the fuck back.

The SUV I was in was driven by Scott. There was him and Rider in front. Me, Deacon, and Deke in back. Not a fucking word was spoken the drive back to the clubhouse. The air vibrated with our collective rage.


When we got to the new clubhouse, the lobby of the main building that housed our rooms and the chapel, which would be known as The Hall was filled with women who were waiting for their men to come back. Some went to bed, but a few of the guys sat down to have a few drinks so they could wind down. Justice carried Marlena upstairs with Laura and Jenna following. They’d look after her.

That poor girl had been cheated on, had been put in ICU, and now kidnapped and raped because of her thing with Blow. And Blow was dead. The entire thing was fucking infuriating.

I downed one shot and when it was obvious Deke was heading to bed, saying we’d take it up the next morning, I went upstairs and found my new room on the second floor. It was empty other than my mattress, pillows and comforter on the subfloor. There wasn’t flooring in yet and the drywall had been done but it wasn’t painted. I had a door and two windows and unlike most of the rest of the boys here tonight, I had no woman to come home to. Because she was hours away giving her time to people that didn’t deserve it.

I lifted my phone and skimmed the text screen of updates. She was at the clubhouse. Alone. Edge had picked her up at the rest stop and brought her there. Her father drove back to the trailer and then messaged her to say her aunt refused to come. She asked me to call when I had a chance.

I also had a text message from Edge letting me know she was safely there. He listed her room number. I sent him a thanks reply and then I dialed her number. After two rings, I got a sleepy hello.

“I’m back. Shit’s fucked. I’m coming to get you as soon as I can get some sleep.”

“Oh. I… need to at least stop by there to see her.”

I rubbed my eyes. “We’ll talk when I get there. Been a long fuckin’ day.”