“Nobody’s willin’ to put their weapons down, so looks like we need to save this fight for another day,” Wild Will Forker said, eyes on his son.

“You shoot our two prospects?” Sarge asked.

“We did,” Deke replied.

Nico had taken them both out. Nobody recognized them, so they were obviously very new recruits, but they were armed with AR15s. After we’d heard the screams and knew they had Blow’s girl, Deke said something to Nico, and I watched him take them out without hesitation.

Not only did several of us rush in with guns drawn once Bront arrived, several other brothers were stationed in bushes around the perimeter of the old woodshed with a few brothers down by our vehicles at the end of the long, dirt road, a line open with one of us in case more Jackals arrived.

A loud voice had invited, “Come on in, Dominion pussy-hood. Be aware, though, we got somethin’ of yours and we’re all armed.”

Me, Deke, Deacon, Fork, Rider, Justice, and Nico had gone in. All armed, all with guns pointed at the men who pointed guns back at us. Except for one. That one was standing in the corner doing up his belt. Seven of us, four of them. And Marlena.

The one room building had no lights on, likely no power, but flashlights were propped up around the space, pointing to the table in the center. That table was surrounded by three Jackals. One of them I recognized as Sarge. Tall, curly hair, late thirties, with steely hard eyes on us, hatred pouring from them. Wild Will wasn’t nearly as tall as his son. In fact, though he was sitting, he looked like he was below average height. He was pudgy, bloated, looked like he was killing himself slowly with alcohol and a shitty diet. He had a smirk aimed at his son. The guy doing up his belt was around thirty, blond, and I figured he had to be Larsen by process of elimination including seeing the junkie sores on his face. He flashed a sneer with half-rotten teeth our way and reached to the side where his gun sat.

“Don’t fucking move,” Deke warned him, training his gun on him. I didn’t know who the fourth was, but one look at him and he looked in charge and unhinged. He was a big, dark-haired, bearded, face-tatted guy who, at our entry threw his head back and laughed.

He spoke next. “Jus. Nico. Deke. And the rest of y’all. Fancy meetin’ you here. Heard Blow’s not gonna be able to make it.” He threw his head back and laughed hard.

“Kylo,” Nico ground out. “See you’re out.”

“I’m out,” Kylo waved his gun in the air and then pointedly pointed it at every one of us and then said, “Bang.”

I heard a sniffle and looked to the corner where Marlena huddled behind where the blond guy stood.

She was why we didn’t just shoot the entire place up instead of stepping in to negotiate. Though Fuckhead Skip who was outside had muttered that it might be worthwhile to take the whole shed out, insinuating we let her be a casualty, nobody else agreed.

She was huddled in the corner on a sleeping bag. In the dim light, it was clear to see she was nude and bruised. Crying into her knees, trying to hide her nudity.

Dekes’ eyes were on her. I also saw Deke’s trigger finger twitch.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I couldn’t look but hoped like hell it was my girl updating to say she was inside the compound in Sioux Falls. I assessed the Sarge guy to see if he had his eyes on me in any way. They flashed for an instant at the sound in my pocket but then returned to focus on Fork.

“Looks like we’ve got a little stalemate on our hands, don’t it?” Wild Will said. “Heard my brother joined the brotherhood, eh? Where is he, Chrissy?”

“None of your fuckin’ business,” Fork replied coldly.

Rob was currently with the men watching our vehicles at the road.

“You got a lot to answer for, kid.”

“I owe you nothin’, old man. Know what I’d like to give you, though. Another bullet. This one between your eyes.”

“Congratulations on your marriage, boy. I look forward to meetin’ the little lady. How ‘bout a family reunion?” Wild Will laughed his head off.

Fork’s trigger finger now twitched.

“Since you took out our two prospects and we took out two of your men in Redfield tonight,” Sarge said, “How ‘bout we call it even for tonight?”

“No way is it fuckin’ even,” Deke clipped. “But hand over the girl and we’ll go our separate ways. For now. That girl over there is the only reason this building don’t look like blood-splattered Swiss cheese. I’ve got more men outside, lotta weapons pointed at this shed.”

“Tell ya what?” Sarge went on, “We walk her to our van. You let us pull out knowing that we have a gun pointed at her from that windshield while we back out. You don’t shoot at us; we don’t shoot her.”