“What’s happening?” Spencer demanded as we got into the hall.

Deke answered as more doors opened. “Blow’s dead. Shot in Redfield in front of Marlena’s place. Lookin’ like Jackals lured him.”

Deke turned to his daughter who was now in the hall with Fork, hand over her mouth, eyes wide with horror.

“Joelle, you and the girls grab your basics. We’re moving into the new clubhouse early. Tell ‘em.” He headed down the hall to his own room calling out, “Two minutes. Kitchen, boys.”

Deacon pulled out his phone. “Brothers. Figure out who to call. Whoever ain’t here needs to get here and get their families here too. I’m callin’ Skip.”

I looked around. “I’ll phone Scott.”

“Callin’ Speedy,” Brady said. “Then Edge.”

“Edge is in Sioux Falls,” Deacon told him. “Call and brief him, though.”

After I called Scott, who was babysitting Deanna’s kids, I told him to get in, then I called Gianna. She answered.

“Where are you?”

She told me where she was, still on the road, less than an hour from Sioux Falls.

“Put it on speaker, now,” I ordered.

“Why are you being so pissy? I mean, I told you this was an emergency, and-”

“Now, Gianna,” I ordered. “Right now.”

Bad fuckin’ time to sass me.

“Okay… Okay. There.”

“Grant?” I called out.

“Yup?” her father answered.

“Things just went Defcon One over here. We’ve had a brother shot, another taken out. Enemies on the loose. I need my head in the game and these fuckers have a habit of goin’ after old ladies, so I need you to stop at the next rest stop you hit and call a number I’m about to send your daughter. I’m askin’ brotherhood members in Sioux Falls to meet you and escort you. I need my girl behind clubhouse walls in Sioux Falls. If you wanna get your sister there, you can do that. The three of you stay there tonight. But you head there after Gianna is safely behind those walls. Work with my club in the falls to make that happen and do not take your fuckin’ eyes off my girl until you hand her to a man wearing a Dominion Brotherhood cut.”

“Uh… all right.”

“I need this. Your daughter needs this. One of these fuckers had set his sights on her a while back and I don’t know if she’s still on radar at all. Got word earlier tonight that it was reported to that fucker that G was living at our clubhouse, so those assholes know this. Can I count on you to do this? Go there immediately?”

“You can count on me, Jesse,” Grant stated.

“Who got shot? Who got killed?” Gigi asked.

I took a deep breath and hoped I could count on Grant Jones. Even though his daughter had not been able to count on him so far.

“Pudge got hit in the shoulder. He’s on his way to the hospital in an ambulance. Blow’s dead.”

I heard the choking sob.

“Gotta go, Gigi. I’ll text a number in five. Send me texts on your status every fucking step of the way. You hear me? Your phone charged up?”

“Yep. It’s ch-charged.”

I was on the move now, on the way to the kitchen, which was filling up.

“Every step of the way. I might not answer because we’re rolling out to deal with shit, but I need those texts.”

“Okay, Jesse. Be careful. I love you.”

“Grant?” I clipped.


“Don’t fuck this up.”

“I won’t, Jesse.”

I ended the call and immediately called Edge in Sioux Falls to arrange an escort. He already knew about Blow and Pudge from Brady. He agreed to get Gigi to safety and then he was heading here.

I texted Gigi his phone number, hoping that she was off their radar. One of those girls that’d been in the bar causing shit had told Deke that she’d given Sarge information about the upstairs layout while she was upstairs with Fork before he got with Jojo. I didn’t know whether or not she’d clocked Gigi during that time but was taking no chances.


“I want Brady and Bront stayin’ with the women and kids. Nolan and Bick, you can ferry back whatever is needed from the old clubhouse. Basics only for tonight. Get in some food for delivery, tell everyone to bring their toothbrush and a change of clothes, but that’s it other than mattresses, blankets, and pillows. We’ve got fifteen or twenty air mattresses in storage, too, drag those out if you got more people than beds. Yeah?”

“Got it, Prez,” Brady stated.

“Nolan and Bick can then run outdoor patrol under Brady’s orders,” Deke added.

“Got it,” Nolan said.

Bick jerked his chin up.

“Let’s roll,” Deke bellowed.

Several of us were armed and heading for the old Jackals clubhouse in Ipswich. Fork’s trail cam there picked up a van pulling in a few minutes ago.


When we got there and saw those armed men outside the shed, Deke called Bront in, wanting more precision firepower at our backs.