He had no answers for me.

I found Deke in his office. The man was breathing fire.

“Everything all right?” I asked.

“Yeah.” He waved. “Bullshit with Fork’s inside sweet butt with the Jackals. It’s all in hand, though. Sending her and the other one off with a strong warning. You need something?”

“Gianna’s not upstairs.”

“Elaborate,” Deke ordered.

I filled him in on the little spat, told him everything had been fine before I left with them in the van today, and I had no fucking idea where she went.

I knew Deke had his hands full, but he offered help if I needed to organize a search. I told him I’d get back to him. My next move was to call the cab company.

Deanna answered.

“Deanna? Jesse here. Did Gianna call for a cab today?”

“Hi Jesse. I’m just starting a shift, so I’m not sure. I saw Gianna before I came here though, at Deke’s Roadhouse.”

“She’s not here. Can’t find her.”

“The other girl left already so I can’t ask. One sec. Rob? You send a car over to the clubhouse in the last hour for Gianna?”

I waited.

“Nope, Jesse. Rob says no.”

“Thanks for checking.”

“Okay, no problem,” she replied.

I ended that call.

Where the fuck was she? I was giving it two more minutes before asking for a search party when my phone rang.

GG calling


“Hi,” she greeted.

“Where the fuck are you?”

“Sorry, I’m on my way to Sioux Falls. My dad turned up and told me things with Aunt Francie are real bad. Got into his car and my phone died so I couldn’t message you. I stopped at a convenience store and got a charger and called you as soon as I got enough juice. It’s only at seven per cent, so it’s a crappy cord.”

My head was about to explode.

“Your father showed and picked you up? You couldn’t take a minute to fuckin’ tell someone what was goin’ on?”

“Sorry. It… I panicked with what he said and planned to tell you, but my phone was dead.”

“Fuck sakes. Shit’s not good. Shit happened today that puts a bigger target on our backs and you’re out there unprotected?”

“What happened?”

“Fuck sakes, G. You couldn’t wait and talk to me?”

“Dad said she’s real bad. I’m gonna see if I can talk some sense into her. She’s not gonna do any treatment. She’s not even eating.”

“He drove three hours to pick you up, knowing it’d be three hours back and couldn’t wait long enough for you to get a message to me?”

“I was gonna message from the road and like I said, got in the truck and my phone was dead. There was drama in Deke’s Roadhouse with Jojo and some girls. Nobody was upstairs or outside. So we just left.”

“Fuck sakes.”

“I didn’t know my phone was dead. But anyway, I’ll call you when I know more. We’re almost halfway there now. Okay?”

“Not much I can do about it now, is there?” I snapped.

“Jesse… Dad says her doctor’s appointment didn’t go well. Now she’s not even eating. She won’t get out of bed. She’s… she…” she choked up.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly while she babbled while crying.

“Dad said whatever news they gave her; she’s just giving up. Just waiting to die. He didn’t have my new number and she wouldn’t give it to him, so he drove up here and found out where the clubhouse was. I got a Facebook request from him and a message when he got here so I went outside and again, didn’t realize my phone was dead.”

“So, you’re doing what? Gonna play nurse again?” I rubbed my forehead feeling a headache coming on.

“I don’t know. I’m just… I’m gonna go see her and talk to her. Try and convince her to take care of herself. Find out what the doctor said. I’ll call you in a couple hours, okay?”

“I need a fuckin’ drink,” I muttered.

“Jesse,” she said sadly. “She’s dying.”

I growled.

“I’ll call you in a bit. Dad and me will be careful. We’ll go straight there. I love-”

The phone beeped. Call dropped.

I called back and it went straight to voicemail, so I tossed my phone on the bed and raked my hand through my hair in frustration.

All I could do was hope she didn’t manage to get herself on Jackals radar on the way out of town.

“Fuck!” I clipped.

Ten minutes later, downstairs in the bar while I threw back a shot and tried not to grind my teeth to dust, the music halted and Deacon whistled loudly to get everyone’s attention. “Brotherhood members only! Upstairs, right now!”

Half a dozen of us were down here and we all moved fast up the back stairs.

“Pudge is en route to the ER. Shot. Blow, also shot. Blow’s dead,” Deacon said on his way up the stairs.

More people rushed into the hall once we were on the second floor.