“Not the time,” Deke said through tight teeth. “Save it for after this shit is done.”

Church got cut short because Deke got a text from Pudge who was dealing with some drama in the bar with some sweet butts arguing with the girls. This got me tweaked but I was assured it had nothing to do with my girl.

I climbed the stairs behind Fork, who muttered he was heading for the showers. I went to my room. It was unlocked, but Gigi wasn’t there. I figured she left it unlocked because I’d handed her my keys when we got here since I had to leave right away, and our bags had still been in my truck.

I spotted her purple box and our bags on the end of the bed. The tape on the Kailey boxes was loose, though it hadn’t been until today, so she’d finally taken the time to look through them.

I went looking for her. Didn’t find her. I called into the womens’ bathroom upstairs. Nobody answered and I couldn’t hear showers running. I went downstairs and a customer coming out of the bathroom told me it was empty after I asked. I double-checked anyway. No Gigi there either.

My blood ran cold. What the fuck?

I dialed her number for the third time, and it again went right to voicemail.

I went back upstairs in case we just missed one another between upstairs and downstairs. No Gigi. I fired off a text message while looking out the window over the parking lot.

Call me. Urgent.

The front door slammed. I watched Pudge jog down toward Blow on his motorcycle. Nolan escorted two redheads out of the bar and to the guys.

“There he is,” Bront said from my side.

“Huh?” I asked distractedly.

Pudge and Blow got on their bikes and revved them up. I watched Justice pull out of the parking lot with one of the redheads on his bike. Blow had the other. Pudge followed.

Nolan headed toward the building.

“Blow. There he is. Where are he and Pudge goin’?” Bront pondered.

Spencer came up behind Bront. “They’ve got a lead on where that Mustang of Sarge’s might be. They’re taking those troublemaker Jackals sweet butts home and then they’re checkin’ out that lead.”

I left the two of them to discuss that and headed outside to catch up with Nolan.

“Nole!” I called.

He stopped and jerked his chin up.

“You let my girl leave?” I met him at the bottom of the stairs.

He jerked back at the bite to my words.

“Nah man. Girls were all hangin’ in the bar. Shit went down with those ginger girls and your girl said she was leavin’. Little John told her she had to stay put, so she went up there.” He gestured to the stairs.

“She’s not up there,” I said.

“I was in the kitchen with Pudge handlin’ the drama with the redheads until Prez got here. Dunno what went down after that.”

“Fuck!” I clipped.

“Want help lookin’?” he asked.

“I’ll let you know.”

I paced while trying her line again. Still straight to voicemail.

Fuck sakes.

What the fuck? Things were fine when I left. She kissed me goodbye. We had a good time last night after the party at Ma and Arch’s. Fucked three times in that hotel room before heading back here. What happened in the last two hours while I was gone with the boys? Her stuff was here. Not her purse and phone though.

I tracked Ella and Jenna down in the back room, looking thick as thieves on the couch.

“What happened?” I demanded.

“With the Juicy and Paige scene?” Ella answered. “Jojo-”

“With Gianna,” I interrupted.

“I didn’t mean to offend her,” Jenna said, “I told her so. I was talking about how those Jackal bunnies can’t be trusted and she got a little offended about not all club girls being the same, so she came up here. I apologized though. We really like her. We weren’t lumping her in with those girls at all.”

“She took off,” I said. “Any idea why?”

“No. No idea,” Jenna replied.

Ella shook her head. “She was pissed off, but I thought she just came up here.”

Pippa wandered in with a bag of popcorn. “Hey Jesse,” she beamed a smile.

“Hey. Any idea why G left or where she went?”

Pippa looked perplexed. “She left? By herself? That’s not safe.”

“No, it really fucking isn’t,” I bit off. “You girls hear from her, let me know. Yeah?”

“Yeah, okay,” Ella said.

Jenna called out, “But I really don’t think what we said was enough to make her wanna leave especially when we all know things are dangerous, Jesse. She went the back way, too; she didn’t go outside to come up here.”

“Good to know.”

Yeah. That was the thing. It made no sense she’d take off unprotected for a little spat with the girls. Unless something had been left out, it sounded mild. I went down to the bar to talk to Little John and find out if there was something else going on here.