Now was definitely a good time to do this. They were probably all distracted what with their dying leader being taken away in an ambulance.

Four motorcycles and three cars were parked behind the house near where we needed to go. One of those might be the car Justice aimed to take, I didn’t know the make and model of what he was looking for, but none of them looked special.

Ride pulled an extendable shovel from his backpack while I kept watch, phone and gun in my hands. He carefully dug against the side of the building and planted the device before loosely filling the hole in.

A few minutes later, I got a text from Bront saying B-Team was back.

Then there was another text saying C-Team was going with Plan B.

“What’s plan B for C-Team?” I asked Ride.

“They can’t find the car, they create a diversion to flush out whoever’s here.”

“What kind of diversion?”

Ride didn’t need to answer that because my answer was an explosion with smoke billowing out of the trees on the opposite side of the property where a bunkie was now on fire.

“Fire over there! All hands on deck!” was shouted.

Three men ran out of the barn.

“Fuck sakes!” I heard a gravelly voice say from nearby where Ride and me were hunkered behind a bank of scrap metal.

Someone else hollered, “Who is it? Shoot ‘em!”

“You stay here and keep watch in case…” Someone clipped.

Ride and me exchanged looks. Shit. Looked like we’d have to shoot somebody.

Not ten seconds later, the other fucker followed anyway. Hopefully he’d been the only one left inside.

With the three men headed toward the fire and a quick count of around a dozen men in total, Ride and me waited twenty seconds before he gave me a look and slipped in through several broken barn boards.

There were shouts and guys running with buckets, someone pulling a hose in that direction. He ran out of length, so they were poorly organizing a chain of men passing buckets as the blaze quickly grew.

A minute later, just as shots were fired from down where the fire was, I heard the familiar deer call noise, knowing Ride was waving me in.


We had confirmation of the drug lab down there as well as a fuck-ton of weapons, some stacks of cash, and drugs. A lot of drugs. Ride planted the bugs, and I took pictures with his phone while keeping my gun drawn, ready in case one of them wised up and realized the diversion.

But they probably weren’t that smart.

“We should take the drugs. Get rid of ‘em,” I said.

“No. They might not realize we were here unless we take shit. Then they might not come back.”

“See your point,” I said, eyeing the drugs with disgust.

“Don’t like leaving that garbage either, Jess,” Ride told me. “Luckily the cops are spreadin’ far and wide the warning there’s fentanyl-laced rave drugs and other bad drugs floating around.”

We got out while the gaggle of fuckheads still worked on putting out that fire, then went back the way we’d come in until Bront joined us. The three of us legged it the mile to the van at the rendezvous point.

The van door slid open.

“In. Hurry!” Nico urged.

We dove in and we were pulling out before the door was all the way shut.

“Missions accomplished?” Deke checked. Everyone else was in the van.

“Yep. What’s with the panic?” Ride asked. “Something go wrong?”

“They saw me,” Fork said. He was covered in mud.

“Dude, you reek,” Bront muttered.

Fork rolled his eyes. “Yeah. Bear trap right beside a creek. It snapped, only caught the leg of my jeans.” He gestured to the torn fabric. “Fell in and pretty sure it was Kylo up there that saw me. Fired shots at me so had to book it.”

“A-Team is a checkmark. B-Team a checkmark, though Fork was seen. C-Team was a bust with Plan A, but Plan B let A-Team do their thing,” Deke stated. “All in all, a success.”

“Woulda liked that cherry mustang,” Justice muttered. “Sarge loves that car. Woulda been a bonus to get that.”

“This’ll flush ‘em out for sure. They saw Fork, so know we set that fire. What’ve you got on the lab and weapons?” Deke asked.

Ride passed his phone over to his father. “Check out the pictures. This’ll soon be over, boys.”

“Not soon enough,” Fork muttered.


We had a quick catch-up church. Everyone was caught up besides Blow, who wasn’t answering his phone. Pudge and Nolan were in the bar watching some of the girls.

It was clear Deke was pissed off about Blow too, muttering he hadn’t heard from him since the night before when he left the reception.

“He all right?” Bront asked.

“Not the first time he’s pulled a disappearing act when shit’s going down,” Spence muttered.

Deke shot Spence a look that meant shut the fuck up.

“Just sayin’ what most of us are thinking,” Spence lifted his hands defensively. “Deacon’s been doing the work of secretary and treasurer, and VP as long as we’ve been here, Dad, and everyone knows it. It’s just that Blow gets to wear the patch.”