“We’re also gonna plant a little something with a remote and the ability to make a big ole boom.” Rider grinned. “You n’ me doin’ that. Also gonna suss out that lair under the barn and see what’s there. Plant some audio bugs. We’re A-Team. I bury the device; you hold the phone and cover me.”

“Roger that,” I answered. “When’s the boom happenin’?”

Deke replied. “To be confirmed. That’s probably for later, if need be.”

“Got it,” I said. “No visual bugs in the lair?”

“No,” Rider replied. “That’d make the cartel twitchy. Make ‘em think we wanna hold something over their heads.”

“Ah,” I replied.

Deacon spoke next. “Fork, Spence, and me are Team B and have the trail cams to go in at some loosely planned spots from looking over the property lines and Google maps as well as from the rough layout Justice gave us. He’s been there before. We’ll creep alongside the river that butts the property. Justice and Bray are gonna steal Sarge’s car if it’s there. Team C with Brady on the phone. All set, Jus?”

Justice raised his finger holding a keyring.

“Scooped this spare a while back,” he said to me.

“Nice,” I replied. “Why steal the car?”

I didn’t like that I had missed the strategy conversation but Deke clearly had faith in my abilities so I had no doubt this quick catchup would be enough.

Deke spoke up again. “Diversion while you and Ride recon that barn. The shit they pulled at my daughter and son-in-law’s wedding reception? They need to know there’s consequences. That we know where they are. Also that we’re not pussies sittin’ back and hopin’ they just go away. They fuck us, we fuck back hard. If this ignites the next phase of the war, so be it. We’re closin’ in and they’re gonna know they’ve got us breathin’ down their necks. I want this shit to get done. Anyway, once the ruckus starts, watch for anyone in that barn to hopefully clear out, then you’ve got a minute or two to check it out and dump the audio bugs. If you run into any people in that barn, don’t hesitate; end ‘em. Some bad drugs recently caused a teenaged girl to OD at a party in Aberdeen. She’s in a coma and might not wake up. I have no doubt the drugs came from that lab so do not hesitate to end anyone in there.”

“Roger that,” I said.

“We’ll meet you at the rendezvous point one mile directly west.” Deke flashed me his phone, open on maps to show me the intersection. “Now…” he continued, “to reiterate for everyone and put Jess in the know, Brontosaurus’ll have an open line with Jesse on team A, Nico with who on Team B?”

“Me,” Spence piped up.

Deke continued, “Brady on the line with me. Me, Brontosaurus, and Nico stay by the van all on the phones together, so every team has access to everyone. Where we’re parking should be a decent vantage point in case anyone needs cover. Brontosaurus stays back after we leave to cover A-Team and heads to rendezvous with you two. We’ll have scopes on our weapons. Cell power check time. Anyone below thirty per cent? Everyone on vibrate only?”

The only ones not good were Fork with only twenty-eight per cent left on his phone, me with fifteen on mine. Deacon pulled a power pack from a backpack and handed it to me. “What cord?”


He passed a cord. I plugged it in and stuffed it all into the kangaroo pocket of the long-sleeved t-shirt hoodie I had on.

“Fork?” Deacon held out another power pack.

“No pockets big enough for the phone and a power pack. I’ll go unplugged. Phone should last no prob.”

“Not a fan,” Deke muttered.

“I’ll stay close,” Deacon stated, stuffing the power pack into his backpack.

Deke grunted, displeased, but said nothing further about it. He looked at me. “Questions?”


“Anyone else?” he checked.

Nobody said a thing.

“Right-o. Go-time, boys.”


The van crawled up a dirt road to a copse of trees where it got tucked away nicely. Another gym bag was unzipped by Rider, this one full of weapons. We all got armed and then we moved out.

It was a good spot with plenty of cover and clear view of the house, barn, and two smaller outbuildings. The place had a mile-long driveway and was smack in the middle of a big field. Corn grew on one side, wheat on the other and plants were high so there was plenty of room for us to move closer undetected.

Fork, Spence, and Deacon went left. Me and Rider went deeper into the woods.

After Ride and me found our way to the back of the old half-falling down barn, we could see a couple men mulling around on the front porch. If they were on watch, they were doing a shit job of it.