“Enough,” I cut her off. “Call her that again and you’ll answer for it.”

“Whoa,” Rider stepped up. “Everyone, settle the fuck down or everyone’s goin’ home.”

“I’m goin’ nowhere and it’s a free country, so I’ll say whatever the fuck I want,” Sara snapped.

“She’s hammered. She can’t drive,” Rider stated.

“Wasn’t gonna drive. Was gonna sleep upstairs. Kids are with their grandparents. Figured I’d show and spend time with my old man but he ain’t here.”

“We’ll get you home, Sara,” Deke ordered. “Seems like that’s the best way to end this shit. You girls need to work this out but that’s not gonna happen all liquored up in a crowded bar, so, head home Sara. You can’t sort this yourselves and soon, I’ll have to step in. You don’t want me to have to step in.” Deke gestured to Nolan to come over.

“You don’t, girls,” Jenna said, animatedly. “Rider told me how his dad dealt with issues with these guys growin’ up. And it probably won’t be putting Gianna and Sara into a get-along shirt. It’d probably be mud wrestling and they’d sell tickets.”

Deke gave Jenna a dark look. “You think that?”

“With the proceeds goin’ to charity of course,” Jenna replied.

Deke rolled his eyes.

“Kinda like that idea,” Nolan put in.

“Fuck sakes, Nole,” Deacon muttered.

“Where’s my man?” Sara demanded.

Nobody said a word. I had no clue where he was. I guessed nobody else did either.

I jutted my chin at Nolan. “Take Sara home, prospect. See her to her door. Now.”

“Exactly,” Deke said. “I’m goin’ back to the bar. This seems under control.”

“C’mon, babe,” Nolan nudged Sara’s elbow. She growled at him but followed.

“You wanna go upstairs or stay?” I asked my girl.

“She’s staying!” Ella exclaimed, tugging her hand and pulling her back.

“Come dance with us, Daddy Deke!” Ella called.

Deke gave her a look like she was out of her mind.

“Yeah, c’mon,” Jenna tried to grab Deke’s hand.

“Somebody fuckin’ save me, here,” Deke pleaded to his sons, hands held up like this was a stick-up.

Rider laughed. “You’re on your own.”

“Shooters on the house, ladies,” Little John called. The girls headed that way, forgetting Deke.

“Thank fuck for club brothers,” Deke muttered and shot John a look of thanks. John saluted him.

A minute later, the girls were still huddled by the bar.

“Gia!” Pippa called and waved her over.

She moved out of my arms and headed for them.

I kept a close eye, wanting to know she was good, and five minutes later she was throwing her head back laughing at something Ella said. Jenna saw me watching and gave me a thumbs up, showing me that she and the girls had my girl’s back. I tipped my drink in her direction and ordered a tray of shooters. I walked it over.

“Funny how they call it getting yourself off when you come but they call it offing yourself when you die,” Ella mused.

They hadn’t clocked that I was right behind them.

Pippa made a sound of agreement, then added, “Kinda like La Petite Mort, the French phrase meaning the little death is what some use to describe an orgasm.”

Gigi sucked on the straw for a minute, then said, “Sex with Jesse isn’t La Petite Mort. It’s La Grande Mort that makes you want to livre – live – so you can do it all over again.”

I laughed along with them.

Gigi’s head spun to me, face going red. “Oh hello!”

“Well hello,” I greeted, setting the tray of drinks down. She twisted some more with her lips puckered so I dropped a kiss on her mouth.

“Where have you been all my life?” Gigi asked, glassy-eyed, looking like she was all up in her feelings.

“Good man!” Ella exclaimed.

The girls grabbed shots and held them up. “To La Grande Mort!” Pippa called.

“Cheers to that,” I agreed.

The music went louder and Deke took over at the bar while Little John cut up the dance floor with the girls for the next three songs. After the third song, Rider threw back the last of his drink and stated, “Time for my private dance.” He strutted to the dance floor, squatted and put his shoulder to Jenna’s belly before hauling her up and over his shoulder.

“There goes the dancefloor seductress,” I heard Deanna call out from the bar beside Scott.

“And there goes the dancefloor abductor,” Scott pointed to Rider, who was heading for the door with his woman.

A slow song came on and Pippa pulled Spence onto the floor.

Deacon and Ella were nowhere to be seen, so I scanned the joint and found my girl moving back to the table with Andie, the baker. I headed that way and when my girl’s eyes hit mine, she reached for me, a drunken smile playing on her lips. She was ready for me to take her upstairs.

“Aw. I’m gonna be all by my lonesome?” Andie pouted when I got to them.