We now also knew Alec Wylde was out of prison on grounds of compassion as he had late-stage cancer and he’d been calling in markers, pulling strings, and doing his worst to get back at us. As a result, we were locked down tighter than ever. The girls had been spending a lot of time around the clubhouse and the positive thing that’d come out of that was that Gigi had more company and the company she had was women who were giving her an in into their circle.

“I have no doubt you’re in good hands with those girls. I’ll hang out and have your back, too,” I said.

“It’s a girls’ night so not sure if you’re allowed to hang out,” she returned. Light sparked in her eyes, and I knew she was teasing.

“It’ll be downstairs,” I said. “Try and stop me from getting a front row seat. Those girls get rowdy, it’s like watching a sitcom.”

She laughed.

“Plenty of nights with those girls dancing their asses off downstairs for girls’ nights. The boys aren’t far in case anyone gets ideas. In fact, they encourage girls’ nights here, so nobody gets those ideas. Ask her where. The lockdown status right now, guaranteed it’s downstairs.”


A minute later she nodded. “Yeah, it’s here. I’ll go then.”

“Cool,” I said.

“Unless you’d rather do something else?”

“Nah, baby. I want you to have fun with the girls. Get all liquored up and let loose. I’ll reap the rewards back up here later, I’m sure.”

She smiled. “Most likely.”


Me, Deacon, Ride, Scott, and Spence were holding up the bar while our women danced. And it was entertaining to watch. It started with them at a table with drinks. And then a few shooter deliveries later, they were all up on the dance floor, including the baker and the little hairdresser.

I didn’t ask what was what with Scott and Deanna but suspected he was still putting effort in since she was with the girls, and he was watching like the rest of us.

Gigi was about six drinks in, and she was definitely sloshed. And she and Ella looked like best friends out there on the dance floor, moving to the beat and falling all over one another with laughter.

And then I spotted Sara in the shadows. She said something to Jenna and Pippa who were returning from the bathroom, and it quickly degenerated from there because then the girls were half off the dance floor and Ella was stabbing her finger in Sara’s direction.

Gigi was standing back, looking dejected. Her eyes bounced to me with an expression that made me wish I could rip Sara Ford’s fuckin’ head off. Seeing my girl go from being happy and carefree to cradling herself and looking like she wanted to find the nearest razor blade made me want to rage.

“Fuck,” Deacon said and then he was on the move. I followed. He’d cussed because Ella poked Sara in the chest and Sara looked ready to swing. By the time we got to them, Ella and Jenna were both in Sara’s face.

Deacon got in there to pull his woman back as I put my arm around mine. She leaned into me, looking upset.

“I’m callin’ my father and havin’ him send you a cab,” Ella yelled at Sara, “I’ll even pay for it myself. Wait, I left my purse upstairs.” She looked at her man. “Got any money, Tiger?”

Sara’s face got mean. Or meaner. “Don’t need a cab. I’m stayin’ here tonight.”

“You’re not welcome here if you’re just gonna cause drama,” Ella retorted.

“Who put you in charge?” Sara snapped.

“I did,” Ella declared. “I’m the fun police. I’m making sure we all have fun and you’re jeopardizing that. Besides, your husband isn’t even here. How you gonna get in his room?”

“What just happened?” Deanna gasped, coming back from the bathroom. “Everything was fine.”

Gigi shook her head. “It’s about me.”

“No, it’s about her.” Ella pointed toward Sara. “So she can either apologize and lose the dirty looks or she can go.”

“Sara?” Deacon inquired, clearly taking his woman’s back.

“She needs to stop with her snotty looks and smartass remarks so Gia doesn’t feel so self-conscious,” Ella stated.

“She needs to go find a stage with a pole, because that’s what she’s meant for,” Sara spat.

And I was about ready to erupt.

“Play nice or go home, Sara,” Deke stated, slipping onto the dance floor.

“I’m not doin’ nothin’ wrong,” Sara insisted.

“How about just go home?” Deanna suggested and it wasn’t friendly. “I’ll call you a taxi.”

“Enough fightin’ girls,” Deke said.

“No fighting, no fighting,” Ella replied, “Not as long as she goes.”

She pointed at Sara. “‘Cuz we don’t need no hateration or holleration at our dancerie.”

“Amen, sister!” Pippa agreed. “We need more drinks to cheers to that. Bartender!”

“Not even gonna ask what that means,” Deke said. “Sara? Head home, babe.”

“You’re asking me to go, Deke? For real? Just assuming I’m the problem?” Sara shook her head. “Nepotism around here… siding with the women of your boys, who are all new compared to me and ignorantly decide to side with the club whore who has fucked most of the club including all of y’alls men along with mine-”