Ride, Brady, and Spence followed but gave us space. I spotted Deacon and Justice, too, probably coming over to find out what was goin’ on.

“What’s up with them?” Skip asked, looking past me at them.

“They’re giving space for us to have a conversation but probably sticking close in case this goes bad.”

“Why would it go bad?” The way he asked had me tweaked. Because he looked like he knew something. Or maybe he figured out Gigi had said shit to me that might get him in hot water.

“Sara just made a pass at me in the garage in front of multiple sets of eyes,” I informed. “She wanted everyone to know it.”

Skip’s eyes went hard.

“She wants revenge on you, revenge on my girl for the past that’s to do with you. Tells me if I do her, she’ll feel like she got back at you both and then she’ll back off.”

He looked like he wanted to put a fist through a wall.

“This shit needs to stop. I think we both know I’ve been lettin’ bygones be bygones with some of the shit you’ve pulled. But I’m losin’ patience.”

He straightened, looking ready to fight. Also looking like he wondered how much I knew. He said nothing, so I finished with, “We both know my woman didn’t buy this treatment from her. That’s on you. I’ll be less inclined to leave the past in the past if this shit keeps up.” I gave him a poignant stare.

“I’ll deal with my wife,” he stated through his bared teeth.

“You do that and kindly do it soon. I’m tired of this shit.”

He studied me for a second, then relaxed, blowing out breath. “Yeah. I’ve gotta drive tonight, so if that’s it, I’d like to get a few hours of sleep.”

I went back to the garage. He went to the bar.

Twenty minutes later, I’d quit for the day, so I went upstairs to the clubhouse and was about to greet my girl in the lounge. She was sitting on a couch beside Ella. Scott and Bront were at the bar, only for a switch they were chilling in barstools and Nolan was behind the bar, shaking a silver cocktail shaker, talking up his mixology skills.

“Hey, hostage,” I greeted, bending for a kiss.

“Baby,” she touched her lips to mine, putting her hand to my jaw.

“You good?” I asked.

She nodded. “You?”

“Grabbin’ a quick shower. Wanna eat downstairs or go further?”


“Haven’t taken you on a ride in a while.”

“I’d love that. Are we allowed?”

“I’ll find us some shadows.” I kissed her again.

“I could do with a ride,” Bront offered.

“And me,” said Scott.

Ella piped up. “Spencer and Pip won’t. They’ll be headin’ to Pippa’s folks for Sunday dinner any time now and Jenna’s still sleepin’ off her hangover, but I’ll see if Deacon’s finished with his workout.”

“Saw him outside. He’s done,” I said.

“Cool,” she chirped, smiled at Gigi and then headed out the door.

And a lot of us were clearly itching to ride, because it wound up being a bunch of us. Me and Gigi, Scott, Bront, and Bick each on his own, Deacon and Ella, and lastly, Little John with his blow-up doll he’d told Gigi he’d affectionately named Coochie Coochie Charo. She busted up with laughter. He told her that doll was always tied to his sissy bar, ever since his divorce; he only took it off for funerals.

We rode for a good two hours. And when we were back, you could feel the new energy. A lot of motorcycle owners like to ride. Guys like us, we need to ride. I often rode to clear my head and felt lighter for it afterwards even before joining the brotherhood. And my girl soaked it up and looked happy, even leaning toward carefree as she perused her menu.

Deacon and Ella left to go home. Little John had a shift behind the bar. The rest of us were settling in for some drinks and food together, Brady, Ride and Jenna joining us.

“Room for two more?” Skip asked, approaching, holding Sara’s hand.

Bick and Bront immediately got up and pulled another table over to join the other few tables that’d already been pulled together.

I felt the nervous energy coming off my girl beside me. I put my hand on her thigh and squeezed. She put her hand on top of mine. I caught Jenna giving her a wink and a look that seemed to bolster her confidence, too.

Skip ordered drinks for him and his woman who wasn’t making eye contact with anyone. She mostly looked at her phone. But she sat with what looked like a humbled expression on her face.

“Maybe the page is finally bein’ turned,” Brady said low from beside me.

“Be nice if it is,” I remarked and took a swig of my beer.


“Can I play somethin’ for you, baby?” she asked me. “Somethin’ I worked on today?”