I blew out a long breath, tried to blow out all the negativity I was feeling with it.

“Got a little hangover,” I admitted. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. I’m sorry, too.”

“See you later.” I kissed her again and headed out.


I was in the garage, getting ready to pack it in for the day, when I heard the now ominous sound of heels clicking on the concrete. I turned to face the door and was unsurprised to see Sara Ford dressed in head-to-toe leather. She’d added highlights of that wine-colored shade of Gigi’s to her hair.

When she got to me, she didn’t stop a foot away. No, she got right up to me and pressed her tits against my chest.

“What the fuck?” I demanded.

And I noted that we were visible to anyone walking or driving by and there were plenty of people around.

She put her hands to my shoulders and pushed, so I was backed against the wall beside my toolchest. She looked into my eyes with the look of a maneater. Sara was a stunner. But this wasn’t sexy; it was predatory. And coloring her hair to be more like my girl? Dressing in something almost identical to what she’s seen G wear? Not a good sign.

I heard voices outside. Rider’s voice. He and Spence were here, too, working on one of their custom builds. Ella was in the office next building over, catching up on work too because shit had been so busy. It was a hot, sunny day and a couple of other brothers were around the lot, too, washing their bikes.

“I’ve got a proposition for you,” Sara stated, like she was dangling a carrot I’d be sure to want a bite of.

“Not interested. And back up. In fact, back right off.”

“I’ll back off, but first,” she smiled, then her voice got louder, “first you do me against this wall. You do it hard, do it well, and I’ll get something back on him and on her, too. Then…” she smiled a shit eating smile, ”I’ll back off.”

“Back off now,” I demanded.

“You don’t want that.” She slid her hand down my stomach and her aim was clear, so I caught her wrist before she got where she wanted to go.

“Do not,” I communicated, a threat clear in my voice as well as in my body language. I let go of her wrist.

“Wanna meet somewhere later instead?” she asked.

“Fuck no,” I replied.

I spotted Rider striding into the garage. Brady and Spence were behind him. All sets of eyes were on me with question in them.

I jutted my chin and rolled my eyes.

“Yo,” Ride called.

Sara turned toward them. They all had stony faces on us.

“Heard all that, Sara. Not cool,” Spence said.

“Be sure to tell my old man all about it,” she said with a sneer before she stormed off.

“What the fuck was that?” Ride asked.

“That was a woman scorned lookin’ for payback,” Spence observed.

“Bingo,” I muttered.

“Yeah,” Brady agreed, “She used to be a sweetheart when she and Skip first got together. Once she found out her old man steps out on her, she slowly turned into that.” He jerked his thumb backwards. “Sorry to say this, Jess, but first time he got caught that I know of was with your girl. Caught him in the act and dragged your girl out of the room by the hair. It was quite a scene. And Sara strikes me as a grudge holder.”

“Explains a lot,” I said. And then I caught sight of Skip’s truck being pulled up front. “Be back.”

“Oh shit,” Brady muttered. “Brother…”

“Be back,” I repeated and then headed in that direction. I met him by the door to The Roadhouse, hearing Rider behind me saying, “We’d better follow.”

Rider, Brady, and Spence stayed close, surmising things were about to deteriorate.

“Skip,” I called out as he was getting out of his truck.

“Hey, brother,” he greeted, looking tired. He rubbed his eyes. “Boys,” he added, greeting the brothers behind me.

“Need a word about your woman.”

He looked even more tired as he exhaled and scrubbed his facial hair with his hands before clasping them behind his head in exasperation. “I told her to leave Gia alone. Told her there’s been nothing going on with her and me, that she’s officially your ‘ol lady. Not sure what else I can do, Garcia.”

“Let’s have a word somewhere without ears,” I suggested.

Skip’s eyes scanned the space. There were other people mulling about. Smoking by the awning. A couple brothers on the upper deck smoking, drinking beers. A kitchen staff member dumping something into the dumpster beside the Roadhouse.

He and I walked down and through the gates for the new compound. Construction noises were still filling the space as the crew was gearing down after making a racket all day. Deke wanted us behind those fences, so was paying overtime to get the job done.