
I adjusted my pillow. “Gimme another pillow. You’ve got ‘em all again.”

“You can have them all if you’ll be my pillow,” she said and ran her nose along my throat, then tickled my earlobe with her tongue. “I’m naked, by the way. Unless you’re too mad at me.”

I rolled her to her back.

“Deal. Though you didn’t let me undress you, which doesn’t make me happy. But yeah, I’ll be your pillow after I fuck you. But woman, it might be a little fast and a little rough. Because I’m pissed. But I’d never hurt you, okay?”

“Sounds good to me.”

I froze. “Rough play sounds good to you?”

“Sure does,” she whispered.

I growled.

And she took it as an invitation, but it wasn’t that kind of growl. I was pissed. So I caught her wrist as her hand slid across my cock.

“You sayin’ that to make me happy or you sayin’ that because you mean it?”

“I actually mean it,” she whispered. “I mean, a little rough. Spanking, hair pulling. A little throat grabbing. Not, like… bruises or loss of consciousness or anything extreme.”


“You’re asking me if I’m serious?” she asked, humor in her voice.

“I don’t want you setting yourself on fire for me, baby. That’s not what I want at all.”

“No, I wouldn’t be. Because it’s you and because I trust you, so I know you’d make me feel safe like you always do, and you’d make it good, too. I wouldn’t say that to just anybody.”

“I hope not.”

“Full disclosure: I gave that trust to one person. They didn’t let me down. But they weren’t you, they weren’t what…” she swallowed, “what you are to me, Jesse. Please believe me.”

I put my mouth to hers for a quick kiss and then turned the lamp on, because I wanted to watch. I flipped her to her belly, smacked her scrumptious ass, and took a handful of her hair, tugging gently until she got the message and scrambled to her knees. While I rolled a condom on, I took her in. Bent over for me. Fucking beautiful.

“Play with your clit,” I ordered.

I sank inside slowly. “Keep touching yourself,” I demanded, slapping her ass before I pulled out and then rammed back in hard, pulling a gasp from her.

It didn’t take long for her breathing to quicken, for her fingers to go faster. I ran my hand up her throat and lifted so we were both on our knees, my front plastered to her back. And then as she came, I tightened my grip on her throat just a little, and bit her shoulder.

Her cries went louder. I slapped her ass one more time, as I exploded.


“Rough enough?” I asked when she was curled up in my arms a couple minutes later. “Or you want it rougher?”

“It was amazing. I don’t know about rougher.”

“We’ll play it by ear,” I said, kissing her. “Never wanna hurt you, baby.”

“Same,” she said, kissing my chest.

“You’ve got a voice in this relationship, Gianna.”

“Okay,” she whispered.

“And it needs to be louder than it is.”

“Right,” she said louder.

And then I crashed.


I was on a bench in the little building in the new compound we’d dubbed our club fieldhouse. The space wasn’t done yet, but we’d put all our equipment here and we’d been using it instead of going to our usual gyms since it was easier than heading out in groups. I was drinking water, catching my breath after my post-workout stretching.

“Yo, brother,” Edge greeted, heading in my direction. “You just starting or just finishing?”

“Finishing,” I stated. “You want this bench?”

“No, not here for a workout right now. How’s things?”

“Good. How’s things with you?” I cocked an eyebrow. Edge clearly wanted to discuss something.

“I… uh… wanted a word about Gia.”

I waited.

He measured his words. “What she and I had wasn’t deep, but also, it was. I had a conversation with her a little while ago up in the temporary clubhouse and… wanted to fill you in.”

He watched me for a reaction. I didn’t give him one. Because I didn’t know what was between them; she’d been vague about it.

“I wanted to know she’s good. I left her dangling in the wind when I lost Jet. I wasn’t in the headspace for anything, and I never answered when she reached out. Couldn’t process anything back then. I wanted to check in with her and saw her up there alone just a while ago. We had a conversation in the kitchen, moved it to the small TV room in the back, and… Scooter walked in and saw a hug. Got pissed at me. It was just a hug, brother.”

My nostrils flared. “She was cool with you when you saw each other after she found out her sister died.”

“She was.”

“That wasn’t enough for you?”

“We never really… ended shit. Got no closure.”

He blew out a breath, looked around, eyed Bront on the treadmill and though Bront had earbuds in, Edge still lowered his voice. “She told me she never told you anything about what she and I had.”